Beautiful feet: tips for natural care

Beautiful feet: tips for natural care

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Wokandapix

In order to have beautiful feet, we should take care of them regularly. With the right care, the feet not only look more beautiful, it also helps against itching, burning and odors.

If your feet are itchy, smelly, or have too much callus, it’s time for a lot of care. An intact, well-cared-for skin on the feet also helps to prevent inflammation and athlete’s foot. If you also value the right footwear, your feet will stay beautiful and healthy.

Note: If your feet are swollen, tingling, or burning, seek medical advice. They could possibly be signs of serious illness.

Beautiful feet with well-groomed toenails

Beautiful and healthy toenails - beautiful feet!
Beautiful and healthy toenails – beautiful feet!
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / congerdesign)

Toenails are exposed to great stress from incorrectly trimming or tight shoes. The right cut prevents ingrown toenails and your feet look more beautiful:

  • You should cut toenails so that they still protect your nail bed well, but do not protrude beyond the toe.
  • In addition, you should always trim your nails straight for beautiful feet. Just round off the corners slightly so that the nail doesn’t grow in.
  • When filing your nails, do it in one direction only. This will prevent cracks and splinters.
  • Nails benefit from treatment with oils. Especially rosehip oil, or olive oil Burdock root oil care for your toenails and thus ensure beautiful feet.

Beautiful feet thanks to regular foot care

To Basic equipment belong to a natural foot care

  • a Tub or large bowl for you to have one Make your own foot bath can and
  • a pumice, with its porous structure you regularly Remove the callus can.

Note: The risk of injury is significantly lower with pumice stones than with corneal rasps or knives – so you should use these rarely and only if the cornea is very thick.

Dry your feet well after the foot bath, including between your toes. Then cream your feet with a moisturizing cream, Aloe vera gel, or a body oil of your choice. For example you can olive oil or Rose hip oil use. If you are prone to athlete’s foot, resort to thyme or Tea tree oil – they have a preventive effect.

You can do this foot care ritual for beautiful feet several times a week.

Take care of cracked feet with a foot mask

Warm socks allow the foot mask to move in better and help you get beautiful feet.
Warm socks allow the foot mask to move in better and help you get beautiful feet.
(Photo: CCO / Pixabay / LUM3N)

Cracked skin on the feet serves as a gateway for fungi and bacteria. To avoid athlete’s foot and other infections, you should take good care of your feet. If the skin of your feet is prone to cracking, treatment with a fatty cream or oil will help. For example, you can use your Make foot cream yourself. You can also find certified foot creams in the drugstore or on the Internet (for example at **Avocado Store).

Soak your feet before bed and put on warm cotton socks. Leave the “foot mask” on overnight. You can repeat this several times a week and promote beautiful feet.

Promote blood circulation in the feet

Treading water also promotes blood circulation and thus ensures healthy and beautiful feet.
Treading water also promotes blood circulation and thus ensures healthy and beautiful feet.
(Photo: CCO / Pixabay / Antranias)

Burning or cold feet can be a sign of poor blood circulation. There are several methods to increase blood flow:

  • Cold and warm alternating baths, for example in the morning under the shower, promote blood circulation. Foot baths should not exceed a temperature of 38 degrees.
  • Also with foot baths essential oils how peppermint oil, Camphor oil or sweet clover oil promote blood circulation.
  • Cool pads or a wrapped cool pack alleviate burning or swollen feet.
  • Massages, for example with a sea salt peeling, Coffee grounds and a little oil get the blood circulation going again.

But the feet can also burn because of athlete’s foot, diabetes, gout or borreliosis. Seek medical advice if you have this symptom frequently.

For beautiful feet, you can also walk without shoes

Walking barefoot in the rain is an experience and promotes beautiful feet.
Walking barefoot in the rain is an experience and promotes beautiful feet.
(Photo: CCO / Pixabay / Pexels)

It is good for your feet in the apartment, as often as possible walking barefoot. Then they are not exposed to any pressure or friction from shoes. Sweaty feet and unpleasant smells are often caused by bacteria in the damp environment of the shoes. By walking barefoot, the feet can “breathe freely” again.

Walking barefoot outside is healthy too. You stimulate the nerve endings, promote blood circulation and strengthen your muscles. Even in winter, a few seconds in the cold snow can work wonders and support beautiful feet.


  • Sustainable barefoot shoes: six recommended brands
  • Dry skin: the best natural home remedies
  • Make your own skin cream from natural ingredients – this is how it works


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