Better for your eyes: this is how you turn on dark mode in the Books app

If you want to read before going to sleep, the Books app automatically switches on a dark mode. You can also turn on this dark mode manually. iPhone show you how.

Dark mode Books app: this is how it works

The dark mode of the Books app is automatically turned on as soon as the sun goes down, but if you like to always read in the dark, you can also activate the function yourself. That’s how you do that:

  1. In the Books app, open a book from your library;
  2. Tap the ‘Aa’ button at the top right and slide the switch at ‘Automatic night theme’;
  3. Then select whether you want a sepia, gray or black background. The background will now remain dark until you change this.

In the same menu you can also adjust a lot of other settings, such as the size of the font and the brightness of the screen. As soon as you have set the dark mode manually, the switch at ‘Automatic night theme’ turns gray, and you can no longer move it.

If you want to use the automatic dark mode again, you must therefore choose a white, sepia or gray background: you can now slide the switch again. After this, the Books app again takes the amount of ambient light into account when turning on the dark shades.

Dark mode

IOS 13 will be announced on June 3, which is expected to have a dark mode. This gives menus, apps from Apple and, for example, the Control Panel a dark color palette.

Many other apps are now also easier to use in the dark. For example, YouTube has a dark mode just like Facebook Messenger. You can also tackle sleeping problems with your iPhone by turning on Night Shift, for example. This limits the blue light from the screen, which is better for our night’s sleep.

Tip: Did you know that our iPhoned app also has a dark mode? You can switch this via the settings, or set it to ‘Automatic’ for specific times.

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