Black cumin oil against ticks: What you should pay attention to when using it

Black cumin oil against ticks: What you should pay attention to when using it
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / gokalpiscan

The effectiveness of black seed oil against ticks is often controversial among pet owners. In this article, you will find out exactly what the oil is all about, whether it also works on humans and how you can use it.

Especially in warmer months, humans and animals can easily catch ticks in forests, parks, etc. The small parasites are not only unpleasant, but also pose a serious health risk as they transmit diseases.

Black cumin oil is said to work against ticks and prevent them. But how effective is it really?

Black cumin oil against ticks: How it works for dogs

Although the effect of black cumin against ticks has not yet been clearly proven, there is evidence that the oil may have a repellent effect on dogs.
Although the effect of black cumin against ticks has not yet been clearly proven, there is evidence that the oil may have a repellent effect on dogs.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Free Photos)

Initial research shows that black cumin oil can help dogs against ticks. However, this preliminary assumption has not yet been conclusively confirmed scientifically.

  • In a 2016 study, for example, black cumin extracts were investigated against ticks. This took place in vitro, i.e. in a test tube. A preparation of black cumin dissolved in alcohol had a lethal effect on the ticks within twelve hours.
  • In another study from 2016, scientists specifically tested the effect on dogs by using a commercially available cream containing black cumin extract. The researchers were able to determine a slight protective effect.
  • Studies published to date have not provided any new, clear findings.

For dogs: How to use black cumin oil against ticks

You can use black cumin oil on dogs both externally (on the fur) and internally. This is how the two methods work:

  • In the fur: If you want to protect your dog against ticks with black cumin oil, you can put ten to 15 drops in the fur, depending on the size and length of the fur, and massage it in well. Make sure that the oil really gets to the animal’s skin and does not get stuck on the ends of the hair.

  • In food: Before you mix black cumin oil into your dog’s food, you should definitely seek veterinary advice. There is evidence that the oil can have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys in large quantities. Therefore, discuss the dosage well beforehand. This also depends on the size and weight of your dog, for example.

If possible, use cold-pressed oil from organic farming. You can find high-quality black cumin oil in health food stores and organic shops or online, for example at Avocadostore.

Black cumin oil: suitable for cats?

You should not use black cumin oil on cats as it can cause, among other things, serious liver and kidney damage.
You should not use black cumin oil on cats as it can cause, among other things, serious liver and kidney damage.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / doanme)

Veterinarians advise cat owners not to give their pets black seed oil to combat ticks. The oil can be toxic to cats. It contains terpenes and other substances that the animals cannot digest. Like many other essential oils, black seed oil can therefore cause severe liver and kidney damage in cats. It can also cause breathing difficulties and skin reactions.

There are currently no scientific studies that clearly prove these side effects. However, reports from pet owners and veterinarians provide initial evidence of the toxic effects of black cumin oil on cats.

Black cumin oil against ticks: How does it work in humans?

There is also no scientific evidence as to whether black cumin oil is effective against ticks in humans. However, you can usually try the oil yourself without any risk.
There is also no scientific evidence as to whether black cumin oil is effective against ticks in humans. However, you can usually try the oil yourself without any risk.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Catkin)

Whether black cumin oil works against ticks in humans has not yet been scientifically proven or sufficiently investigated. However, you can test the oil yourself relatively safely by putting a few drops on your skin and massaging it in.

Caraway oil is said to have a generally positive effect on the skin: you can use it on dry skin, for example. You can find out more about the positive effects of black cumin oil in this article: Black cumin oil: effects and side effects when taken.

    Insecticides against ticks

    There are various drops and sprays that can be used to ward off ticks, often containing synthetic pesticides. The insecticide fipronil, for example, is a popular remedy for pets.

    Fipronil is generally considered safe for pets because it is only used externally. However, people, and especially children, can quickly come into contact with the insecticide through the animal. Fipronil can also cause side effects such as vomiting and lethargy in other pets that lick the active ingredient from their companion’s fur, for example.

    If you want to avoid such active ingredients, then use a natural home remedy to protect your dog from ticks. Black cumin oil is not the only thing that helps against ticks – you can find other home remedies here: Tick remedies for dogs: These natural remedies help.

    Read more on Techzle\.com:

    • Removing ticks: How to do it without risk
    • Coconut oil against ticks: effect and application
    • These plants repel mosquitoes, ants and aphids

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