Body positivity: 5 steps to more self-love

Photo: CC0 / Unsplash / Yasmine Boheas

Body positivity is a social movement that supports people in accepting their bodies and loving them unconditionally. You can find out how to do this in this article.

Body positivity is much more than a hashtag on Instagram. It is a social movement that takes the following view: Everyone deserves to feel good in their own body – regardless of size, weight, shape or appearance.

The movement has set itself the goal of creating awareness of different body images and their discrimination. Body positivity also strives for acceptance for people with impairments, illnesses or unusual skin types – regardless of skin color or sexual orientation.

The movement shows how different bodies are and how beautiful this uniqueness is. It becomes clear how many people are dissatisfied with their own body or feel somehow different.

To accept and learn to love your own body is a big task. In this article, we’ll show you five steps to feel more comfortable in your body.

1. Pay attention to your body for more body positivity

Listen to your body.

Your body knows what is good for you and what you need. You just have to recognize and pay attention to its signals. See your body as a partner so you can work with it instead of against it.

The following tips can help you achieve more body positivity:

  • Make time for yourself Constant noise and hustle and bustle drown out your body’s signals.
  • Be mindful of your limits and take breaks when you need them. This applies to both your professional and private life.
  • Comprehensive self-reflection and techniques like meditation or Mindfulness exercises can help you understand yourself and your body better. This is how you get to know your body signals.
  • Take the time to consciously take care of your body. For example, you can oil your skin and give yourself a gentle massage.
  • Choose care products that are good for you and the environment. More information: The worst ingredients in cosmetics
  • Reward yourself with things that are really good for you, like a visit to the sauna or a professional massage.

2. Self-Care for Body Positivity

Give your body what it needs.
Give your body what it needs.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / brenkee)

Take good care of your body.

Your body is a complex miracle and you only have this one. While taking good care of your body is not an easy task, it is even more important. Body positivity also means being caring and loving with your body.

The following tips can help you on your way to a healthy lifestyle:

  • Quit unhealthy diets. Your body needs and has nutrients balanced nutrition earned. Most diets are only successful in the short term anyway and do not supply your body adequately.
  • A regular one Sleep rhythm helps your body recover. A Evening routine to be helpful.
  • Regular exercise is for the physical as well as for the mental health essential. For example, it stimulates the cardiovascular system and promotes well-being. According to the Time USA every step supports health.
  • It is not necessary to submit to strict training plans. Going for a walk in the fresh air, dancing or doing yoga – there are many ways to keep your body healthy. Also try new things: How to find the right sport.

3. Appreciate your body for your achievements

Appreciate your body for its accomplishments.
Appreciate your body for its accomplishments.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / stevepb)

Appreciate your body for its accomplishments.

You’re breathing about 20,000 times a day in and out. The lungs enrich the blood with oxygen and release carbon dioxide back into the air. The heart is pumping 100,000 times a day and provides your organs with sufficient oxygen and nutrients. And all of this happens without your conscious involvement.

Your body performs amazingly every day. Nevertheless, we usually judge bodies in our society on the basis of superficial criteria. Body positivity stands for a good body feeling, regardless of the external appearance.

The following tips can help you appreciate and appreciate your body for its performance:

  • Observe your thoughts and statements about your body. Is that how you would talk to your best friend or family? Stop yourself when you find yourself judging yourself based on how you look.
  • Positive affirmations or a self-chosen mantra can help you to be more loving with your body. Think of a phrase that will remind you that your body is valuable. You can repeat this over and over in your mind. This is particularly effective in difficult situations or when you are dissatisfied with your body.
  • That you are healthy and can lead your life independently is not a matter of course. Write a diary and record in it what you are grateful for.

4. Your worth cannot be measured in numbers

Your body is so much more than the number on the scales.
Your body is so much more than the number on the scales.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / stevepb)

Stop reducing yourself to your weight.

For more body positivity, make yourself aware that you are neither the number on the scale, nor your BMI or your dress size. Your value cannot be calculated using your scope.

In addition, values ​​such as the BMI cannot correctly rate everyone. Because the value only takes into account height and weight, but does not differentiate between muscles and fat mass. Therefore the results are often misleading.

These tips can help you stop measuring your body using a number:

  • Don’t let the number on the scales decide your mood anymore. In order to monitor your weight development in the long term, it is sufficient to weigh yourself about once a month. It is not necessary to stand on the scales every day. With sufficient mindfulness for your body, you will notice how your weight is developing even without scales.
  • Remember: Your weight is constantly changing and small weight fluctuations are quite normal.
  • By constantly looking in the mirror, you reduce yourself more to your appearance than necessary.
  • Instead, pay attention to your body’s signals. If you feel comfortable in your skin and have enough energy for your day, your weight is correct.

5. Appreciate your uniqueness for more body positivity

Spend time with the people you love instead of comparing yourself to strangers.
Spend time with the people you love instead of comparing yourself to strangers.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / ludi)

Stop comparing yourself.

Thanks to social media such as Instagram or Facebook, it is easier than ever to compare your own body with others. Not all body types are represented on these platforms – you usually see photos of slim, well-trained people. Body positivity stands for diversity and wants to encourage people to feel beautiful – even if they do not correspond to the ideal societal image.

Body positivity shows that every body is unique and therefore beautiful. Even without a shave, workout or the latest styles.

With these tips you will learn to appreciate your uniqueness:

  • Subscribe to inspiring channels and delete accounts from your stream that only make you dissatisfied.
  • If social media is influencing you a lot, maybe it is time for Digital detox.
  • Question your everyday decisions. Do you choose your clothes because they are modern? Would you like to wear a cropped shirt, but don’t dare? Are you really uncomfortable with unshaven armpits? Free yourself from social pressures and social norms and live authentically.

Body positivity criticism

There are so many more important things than how you look.
There are so many more important things than how you look.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / GoranH)

Body positivity is a big topic, especially on the internet and in advertising. It is to be welcomed that more and more People stand by their figure and also big companies like HM Employ models with different clothing sizes. Or that Nike Used plus size mannequins.

Nevertheless, more and more voices against the trend are loud. “Do I have to constantly emphasize that I LOVE my body?” A well-known influencer defends herself on Instagram.

In addition, the movement is divided. “If a thin, white, cis woman without physical disabilities claims this movement for herself – and posts a photo of herself on Instagram, for example, on which she eats a slice of pizza with small belly rolls and writes #bodypositivity underneath – then that’s not okay “, Say the two bloggers Julia and Esin, for example Vice. On her blog “We’d have to talk“Deal intensively with the topic.

Body positivity can help many people to learn to appreciate their own body. But strictly speaking, it’s another movement that focuses on people (especially women) in terms of their appearance. Yes, in a positive and appreciative way. But critics argue that the time has come to define yourself as a human being by means of more externals – and instead about things like talents, skills or ideas.

Utopia says: Of course, for a full life it is important to appreciate your own body. Many people find that difficult – for them body positivity is an important means of respecting themselves. However, one should keep in mind not to attach too much importance to one’s appearance. Otherwise you reduce yourself to the outside again. There are more important questions than how to look.


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