Bodyscan: This is how it works when meditating

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / windyschneider

A body scan is a meditative exercise that can help you reduce stress and calm down faster. You can find out here how the method works and what you should pay attention to.

What is a body scan?

The body scan is an exercise in the field of Mindfulness. In doing so, you direct your attention one after the other to all parts of the body and perceive feelings and thoughts that arise without judging them. So you go into a meditative state. You can either do the exercise in isolation or integrate it into a meditation sequence.

A body scan can help you to better perceive your body’s sensations and signals while promoting calm and serenity. For example, it is suitable as a break during a stressful workday or as a sleep aid in the evening.

Depending on how long you focus on the individual body regions, a body scan can take ten to 60 minutes. For beginners, it is often easier to start with a short sequence and slowly get used to the exercise.

Bodyscan: the preparation

To get in the mood for the body scan, you should ensure a quiet and comfortable environment.
To get in the mood for the body scan, you should ensure a quiet and comfortable environment.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / josemdelaa)

Before you start the body scan, you should ensure a calm and relaxed atmosphere.

  1. So make yourself comfortable, put on nice clothes and use one Yoga mat and possibly blankets and pillows. If you want, you can play quiet meditation music in the background.
  2. It is best to do the exercise lying down on your back. If there is no other way, you can also do it while sitting. Either way, make sure you adopt a relaxed posture.
  3. When you are lying down, place your arms loosely next to your torso. Your legs are hip-width apart and your feet are pointing outward.
  4. Slowly close your eyes.
  5. To get in the mood for the body scan, you can take a few deep breaths and slowly exhale again. Breathe into your stomach and feel how your abdominal wall rises when you breathe in and lowers as you breathe out.

Bodyscan instructions: From foot to head

With the body scan you mentally scan all parts of your body one after the other.
With the body scan you mentally scan all parts of your body one after the other.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Free-Photos)

To perform a body scan at home, you can use the following instructions as a guide:

  1. First, focus your attention on your right foot. First concentrate on the back of your foot and then mentally feel the soles of your feet and toes.
  2. Now imagine how your foot is getting heavier with every breath. Perhaps you now feel that your foot tingles slightly or is getting a little warmer.
  3. Now you go through your lower leg, your knee and your thigh one after the other and then repeat this process on the left side.
  4. Now direct your attention to your entire lower body and feel how all muscles lie there very calmly and relaxed. Maybe some places still feel uncomfortable. Do not push this feeling away, but accept it without judgment.
  5. Now you direct your focus on your bottom and your genital area and mentally feel your upper body over your back, stomach, chest, shoulders and neck.
  6. Then feel into your two arms one after the other until you reach your fingertips.
  7. At the end of the body scan, focus your attention on your face and notice your facial features. Maybe they are very calm, but maybe they are still a little tense.
  8. To complete the body scan, you can once again perceive your body in its entirety. Feel how your back is on the floor and breaths come and go. Now you can breathe in and out deeply a few more times and then slowly open your eyes again.

Important tips for meditation

Meditating is not about thinking nothing, but observing your thoughts without judgment.
Meditating is not about thinking nothing, but observing your thoughts without judgment.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Minkesita)

In order to perform the body scan correctly, you should also internalize two central principles of meditation:

  • Give up control! Don’t try to compulsively direct your thoughts or try not to think about anything. Especially at the beginning, thoughts will often arise during the body scan that briefly distract you from the exercise. This is normal and an important part of the exercise. As soon as you feel a distraction, just imagine how you let the thought go by and consciously direct your focus back to the corresponding body region.
  • Do not evaluate or analyze! The body scan is not about immediately researching the reason for an uncomfortable feeling. Instead, allow yourself to simply accept unpleasant sensations for what they are without wanting to change them now. You just have to be and feel now and not start acting immediately.


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