Do you like audiobooks and e-books? With this exclusive offer from BookBeat, listen and read for free for 60 days!
BookBeat offer: 60 days of free audiobooks
Don’t you also love to enjoy a good book? But sometimes it’s just not convenient to have to hold a book. There’s a much better solution for that: Audiobooks from BookBeat! You can do this easily via the website, your iPhone or iPad.
And with this exclusive BookBeat offer you can now dream away for 60 days with the best audiobooks or beautiful e-books.
During this free period you have 60 days (or 40 hours) to browse more than 800,000 audiobooks and e-books. You can stream the audiobooks or listen offline. This offer is only valid for new users.
At BookBeat you can choose from e-books and audiobooks. So many books can be read or listened to. They are divided into genres, so you will always find a book that you like.
With each book you immediately see how many pages the book is and how long it takes to listen to the book. For example, the popular book ‘Where the crayfish sing’ is 368 pages. And the audiobook ‘The seven sisters’ takes 17 hours and 36 minutes.
What does BookBeat normally cost?
With this BookBeat offer you can listen to e-books for free for 60 days (or 40 hours). But how much does BookBeat normally cost? BookBeat has two types of accounts, a Basic account for 8.99 euros per month. And a Premium account for 10.99 per month.
With the Basic version you can listen to books for 20 hours per month. With the slightly more expensive Premium version you can listen for 100 hours per month. Do you want to listen with more people in your family? You can do that for an extra 1.99 euros per person, per month.
Each profile can then listen to books for the maximum number of hours of the subscription. For example, do you have the Premium account? Then each profile is allowed to listen to books for 100 hours a month.
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