An estimated 600,000 to 700,000 tons of roasted coffee were produced in Germany in 2022 – the majority in three dozen large companies out of a total of 1,500 coffee roasters based here… more
Detailed analyzes of the genome of the coffee species Coffea arabica show how variations could develop despite low genetic diversity… more
Researchers report that useful objects can be made using a printer paste made from old coffee grounds, water and other sustainable ingredients… more
Dr. explains why you should think carefully about when to pour cold milk into a cup of hot coffee. med. Jürgen Brater… more
The West African coffee variety Stenophylla offers a similar aroma to Arabica coffee, which is threatened by climate change, but tolerates more heat and more irregular rainfall…. more
Passionate coffee drinkers seem to drink a lot of coffee not despite, but because of the bitter note: those who taste the bitter caffeine particularly intensely thanks to a genetic variant tend to drink more coffee… more
It’s in coffee, cola and tea. It can cheer you up and cause sleepless nights, help your memory and prevent your body from letting go of it. Caffeine is loved and cursed at the same time. What the stimulating alkaloid can do for us, both good and bad, can be found in the “Caffeine” dossier. further more
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks worldwide. But the “black gold” is at risk in two ways: climate change will make many growing areas too hot for coffee plants in the future, and at the same time pollinator insects are dwindling. How dramatic the consequences are for Central America… more
Enjoyment with additional benefits: Coffee drinkers are comparatively less affected by a number of health problems, according to two large statistical studies. A coffee consumption of around three cups a day is therefore associated with a reduced risk of death from various causes, in particular… more
Whether we drink a lot of coffee or little does not just depend on our personal taste or habit. Certain genes also likely influence our coffee consumption. What these are is currently only partially known. Now a team of researchers has discovered another one of these genes: Is the… more