Can I lease an electric car privately?

Can I lease an electric car privately?

Electric cars are becoming more popular every year. A few years ago it was still uncommon to see an EV in the streets, nowadays you see a Tesla or another electric car on every corner. But by no means everyone wants to buy an electric car: the purchase price is relatively high and the technology gets better every year, so that you can quickly end up with an outdated one if you buy one. Leasing an electric car privately offers a solution.

It is certainly possible to lease an electric car privately. In fact, it might be smarter to lease an electric car than a model with a petrol or diesel engine. An electric car often has a higher purchase price compared to a petrol or diesel engine. On the other hand, you will not pay motor vehicle tax (MRB) with an electric car until 2024, and if you are on time you can also count on a subsidy scheme for private individuals that can also save you several thousand euros with a private lease. . It is also nice that, unlike buying an electric car, you do not have to deal with depreciation. It is precisely this that can turn out to be on the high side with EVs due to the large strides that are constantly being made in the field of technology. Leasing an electric car privately makes the electric car more attractive.

What does private lease cost with an electric car?

The supply of electric cars seems to be growing almost exponentially. More and more and cheaper models are being introduced to the market. This also has consequences for the lease prices: cheaper EVs also ensure that you can lease an electric car privately at a more favorable rate. Nowadays you can find affordable options, compact city cars such as the Seat Mii Electric or Fiat 500e, already around €330. You will of course find them in the Autoweek Private Lease Comparer. Most costs are included in the amount. Charging, parking costs and other variable amounts are for your account. You don’t have to worry about depreciation, residual value and the like, because after the lease term the car goes back to the leasing company.

What are the advantages of leasing an electric car?

Electric driving is strongly encouraged because of the lack of emissions from such cars. If you are also interested in making the switch to an electric car, you will see this reflected in a number of ways.

No road tax

Take road tax (MRB), for example, which you do not have to pay with an electric car. In the case of private lease, this is normally already at the expense of the lease company. The result is that prices of electric cars are somewhat more pleasant, fairly comparable to those of conventional types.

Purchase subsidy

You may also qualify for the so-called purchase subsidy if your new private lease car meets certain conditions. This can give you up to €3,350 in 2022, which will be paid out over four years. Please note: there is only a certain amount of subsidy available each year, so act early if you want to take advantage of it.

Better fuel costs and maintenance

Another advantage is fuel costs: these are considerably lower for an electric car than for, for example, a petrol car. Especially if you have the option to charge at home, you can save quite a bit of money. Especially if you also have solar panels installed.

Finally, an electric car usually has to go to the garage for maintenance less often.

– Thanks for information from

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