Car insurance premium rises despite less damage and theft

Storm damage October 28, 2013

In contrast to previous years, car insurers have increased the premiums for limited liability insurance, also known as WA+, this year. Those for third-party and third-party comprehensive insurance policies have remained virtually the same compared to 2020, comparison site reports on Tuesday after its own research.

While the average premium for limited comprehensive insurance fell by 8 percent last year, it will rise by almost 5 percent this year. A consumer who paid €480 annually for such a third-party liability insurance policy now pays more than €20 more.

The comparison site finds this surprising, since less driving was done in the past year due to the corona crisis and the number of car thefts has also decreased. says that insurers should in principle pass on these factors in the premiums and expects the premium for limited liability insurance policies to fall again in the coming six months.

WA and all-risk equal

Third-party insurance premiums remained virtually unchanged for the second year in a row, after having risen sharply in previous years. There has also been little change this year in the premiums of the third-party comprehensive comprehensive insurance, or all-risk.

Auto insurers offer policies in three levels of coverage. The WA limited airframe is the middle level and covers damage to your car that is not caused by yourself, but by force majeure. For example, fire damage or theft.

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