Citroën Berlingo gets retro version: modern ‘2CV Fourgonette’

Modern 2CV Fourgonette

Citroën Berlingo gets retro version: modern ‘2CV Fourgonette’

In the company car world, too, people apparently like to look back on times long gone. The Italian Carrosserie Caselani has a penchant for classic Citroën commercial vehicles and, based on the Berlingo, comes with a retro van that is inspired by the 2CV Fourgonette.

The Italian Carrosserie Caselani has appointed a designer in the form of David Obendorfer who is happy to convert modern commercial vehicles from Citroën into idiosyncratic retro appearances. In 2017, the company introduced a Citroën Jumper that was laced with design influences from the classic Citroën HY. That orderer called ‘Type H’ was joined in 2020 by the Type HG, a retro bus based on the Citroën Jumper with which the company reverted to a smaller brother of the Citroën HY that had never been put into production. We are now halfway through 2022 and Carrosserie Caselani thinks it is high time to give the retro adventure a small sequel.

Body Caselani

The Type H (left) and Type HG (right)

The company announces the arrival of what it calls the Fourgonette. We see the silhouette of a significantly smaller van with round headlights that are slightly outside the regular body. The image goes hand in hand with a bunch of hashtags, including #2cv, #fourgonnette, and #newtypeh. It seems that the company is giving the Type H a successor based on the Berlingo, which seems to be a modern interpretation of the famous one: the 2CV Fourgonnette.

Citroen 2CV

Citroen 2CV Fourgonnette (1977, In the Wild)

Undoubtedly, Carrosserie Caselani will soon show its new retro car itself, but AutoWeek has already patented the Citroën Berlingo converted to retro appearance. The Berlingo gets a ribbed hood with next to it front screens and mudguards that are clearly inspired by those of the 2CV. Ribbed sheet metal, out-of-body headlights and semi-classic bumpers: the 2CV picture is complete. We also already see the contours of the rear lights, which promise – just like with the 2CV Fourgonette – to be two round units placed one above the other.


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