Colon cleaning and intestinal rehabilitation are for alternative practitioners: a significant part of the treatment inside. Conventional medicine is more skeptical. What is certain is that the intestine with its intestinal bacteria is important for health.
A thorough cleaning of the intestine is before the intestinal renovation. Naturopathy assumes that after a intestinal cleaning of the intestine is free of pollutants. This clears the way to rebuild a healthy intestinal flora with probiotic means. The whole body should benefit from a intestinal renovation. Treatment not only helps with digestive problems, but is also intended to strengthen the immune system.
But the research situation is not quite as clear – conventional medicine lacks scientific evidence in some places in the concept of “intestinal renovation”.
Colon cleaning and intestinal renovation: That is the difference

There are important differences between intestinal renovation and intestinal cleaning.
1. The intestinal renovation is a form of therapy in naturopathy.
In naturopathy with its holistic approach, a healthy intestinal flora is the key to a healthy body. The intestinal rehabilitation first runs out the “bad” disease -causing bacteria and toxins, after which various probiotic bacteria rebuild a healthy intestinal flora.
Naturopathy brings a whole range of diseases related to the disorders of the intestinal flora. A intestinal renovation should then remedy the situation.
- Diseases of the intestine such as digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome or Leaky-Gut syndrome.
- chronic fatigue
- Higher susceptibility to infections
- Colonal disorders after taking pain relievers or antibiotic therapy.
- The entire spectrum of allergic diseases
2. The term intestinal cleaning, on the other hand, can describe different methods.
- Conventional medicine understands enema or laxative by cleaning the intestine. This type of colon cleaning is preparation for medical interventions and not therapy.
- In naturopathy, intestinal cleaning is at the beginning of the intestinal renovation, according to the Medical Portal Netdoktor. Different preparations are intended to solve fixed deposits in the intestine and flood out toxins. The sensitive intestinal mucosa is said to absorb the nutrients better again.
The intestinal rehabilitation begins with intestinal cleaning

Colon cleaning is progressing in the naturopathic therapy of intestinal renovation. For over two to four weeks, patients take a combination of different preparations inside to clean the intestine. This does not necessarily have to be expensive detox combination preparations, there are also simple natural means.
As a rule, intestinal renovation is carried out under the supervision of professionally trained staff. You can have the treatments carried out in a spa operation as part of a wellness vacation or at home under guidance. In most cases, there is a medical examination before the intestinal renovation. Netdoktor explains the process: A stool test can be analyzed using a laboratory test. The test is intended to provide information about which bacterial strains are available and which toxins the intestine is loaded. Then the further treatment builds on.
Usually the intestinal cleaning runs in these three steps:
1) The intestinal rehabilitation begins with the intestinal cleaning by laxatives such as Glauber salt. You get it in the drugstore or online (for example at Amazon). Classic cleaning from an enema (colon hydrotherapy) is also possible.
2) Cleaning of the intestinal wall: Shrapped or ground -ground psyllium sources in the intestine and thus convey fixed deposits of constipation from the intestine. Shrotted flax seeds look like psyllium. You can buy both in the drugstore or online (for example at Amazon).
3) Taking out harmful substances: Modern nutrition with its high proportion of processed foods can affect the diversity of the intestinal bacteria. The habitat of the intestinal bacteria gets out of balance, and fungi can also settle. Medicines such as antibiotics also damage the intestinal bacteria. They are to be distributed using the following means:
Healing earth from silicates binds acid and free radicals. You will receive them in the drugstore or online (for example at Amazon)
- Volcanic healing earths from bentonite and zeolite swell and soak toxins such as heavy metals or residues of medication. Also available in the drugstore or online (for example from Amazon).
- Serious fungal disease or seed infections often have to heal through medication. You can support here with a yeast and sugar-reduced diet.
Colon renovation with probiotic preparations

After cleaning, the intestinal flora is rebuilt or renovated, mostly with probiotic lactic acid bacteria. These “benign” bacteria are high -dosed as tablets or powder. The right preparation should be one: e doctor: in prescribing.
But also certain foods contain valuable lactic acid bacteria in lower quantities:
- Natural yogurt, drinking whey or kefir. In contrast, so -called probiotic yoghurts can be seen critically because the manufacturers often add sugar and flavorings.
Fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut also contain lactic acid bacteria.
To support the intestinal renovation, alternative practitioners recommend a basic diet to prevent acidification of stomach and intestines. You should eat light food with lots of vegetables and fruit. Sugar, meat and ready meals or coffee, black tea and alcohol, on the other hand, should lead to acidification of the intestine. You can also take a few days of fasting during the cleaning phase.
So nutrition is an important component in treatment. You can prevent a healthy, balanced diet instead of renovating afterwards.
Intestinal renovation – experts argue about the effect

Conventional medicine and representatives discuss whether a intestinal renovation really brings the hoped -for healing: on the inside of naturopathy.
Naturopathy refers to traditional healing methods:
- Fasting and inlets are traditional treatment methods in almost all cultures, whether in the Indian tradition of Ayurveda, Chinese medicine or ancient medical teachers such as Hippocrates.
Fasting and the associated relief of the digestive organs such as stomach, intestine, liver and bile has always been attributed to a positive effect on physical and mental health.
Modern conventional medicine is based on clinical studies, but there is no sufficient examinations for the effect of intestinal renovation. In addition, it is often difficult to distinguish whether health success is due to the intestinal renovation or the accompanying diet. Another reason is that in the past, medical research does not take into account the connection between intestinal bacteria and an illness. Only gradually does researchers turn to the interaction between intestinal bacteria and physical health.
The criticism of conventional medicine usually applies to the concept of cleaning the intestine and then rebuilding a healthy intestinal flora.
- There is no evidence that there are deposits in the intestine that could remove laxatives or intestinal flushing. On the contrary: conventional medicine indicates the risk that toxins that the intestine usually excretes over the feces could release and distribute them in the body. Netdoktor also argues: The intestine is there to leave everything that the organism cannot use.
- The usual previous analysis of the stool sample is also criticized. Conventional medicine refers to the fact that the existing intestinal bacteria can be determined, but these do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the exact state of health could be derived from this.
Another critical point is to take probiotic means. The tablets or powder must therefore withstand the stomach and the decomposing stomach acid. For this reason, pharmaceutical companies are launching the market that, according to their statements, are “gastric acid resistant”.
In contrast, it is now undisputed:
Antibiotic intake-studies prove that the intestinal flora is damaged after taking antibiotics. After treatment with antibiotics, the intestinal flora takes about two to three months to regenerate. If you have to take antibiotics more often, permanent damage to the intestinal flora can also occur.
Sugar and sweetener-also studies show that the interaction of intestinal bacteria and sweeteners can lead to a diabetes-type II disease.
Allergies – The German Medical Leaf reports that research see a connection between the intestinal flora and allergies. A diverse colonization of the intestine with bacteria could help avoid allergies.
Colon renovation: Good to know
The intestine is one of the largest organs in the body. He supplies the body with nutrients. Everything we eat has to go through the intestine. Therefore, it is no wonder that the intestine reacts sensitively to what it has to digest. A diet with fast food and a lot of sugar brings the natural symbiosis of the intestine and intestinal flora slightly out of balance and the intestine reacts with digestive disorders.
The bacterial strains of the intestinal flora are also responsible for the preparation of vitamins, the cells in the intestinal wall are absorbed. Without an intact intestinal flora, the body has no resistant immune system.
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- Fasting juice: You should consider that
- Separation food: That speaks for and against the diet
- Nutrition trend Clean Eating: What is behind it?
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