Life is never boring with John Vanderaart. Enough happens to deliver a short column every week. Instead of in the weekend, John Vanderaart’s weekly column can now be read on Fridays on This time, John is talking about fiber optic panic and his previous column was about the Boy Scout Rule in programming.

During the opening days of the Olympic Games in Paris, various acts of sabotage were committed in France. For example, part of the train traffic was paralyzed. But worse: “Fiber optics broken!” All of this strategically near Paris. But in the French countryside – where I usually stay – panic really struck (!). Everyone is the proverbial loser about the train traffic, but don’t touch the fiber optics! Not because of the internet, but because of the television. After all, nowadays the television also comes into the French countryside living room through the fiber optic cable: “No television = no watching the Olympic Games = big trouble!” And I kept explaining, to East Indian deaf ears, that the decoder can only show television if there is internet on the fiber optic cable. And explaining that technically well-implemented internet can withstand a blow was met with complete disbelief. But the soup had never been heated, because the countryside was not interesting enough to sabotage…

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Don’t touch the fiber optic internet in France. Television is sacred…