Since iOS 18 and iPadOS 18, you can customize the home screen even more to your liking. This way you can now place your apps and widgets anywhere on the home screen, for example above the dock so you can find them immediately or along the edge to make your background stand out better.
By creating empty spaces, you as a user have more freedom with regard to placing apps and widgets on the home screen. This is a relief, especially on the large screen of the iPad, but it also allows you to personalize your iPhone better.
iPad or iPhone home screen with empty spaces
On an iPhone or iPad it has always been possible to determine the position of apps and widgets yourself. However, Apple did not allow empty spaces between apps. This has changed since iOS 18 and iPadOS 18. So you can now place your apps and widgets anywhere on the home screen.
It is also allowed to leave empty spaces and these are not automatically filled by the software. iOS and iPadOS retain the grid, but you have the freedom to place everything exactly.
Move apps and widgets
- Place your finger on an app or widget
- Wait a few moments
- Choose ‘Customize home screen’
- Drag the item to the desired location
- Release to place
- Repeat this for all parts

While moving the application or widget, you have the option to leave empty spaces between the components. This gives your home screen an even more personal touch.
Quickly add and resize widgets
Want to add a widget to your home screen while editing? This can be done extra quickly using the context menu for apps. Place your finger on an app for a few moments until the pop-up menu appears. If a widget is available, you can choose it directly from this menu.

Before you know it, you’ll have added a new widget to your home screen. This way you can also put your finger on an existing widget and resize it immediately. Of course, while editing the home screen, you can also tap the ‘Edit’ button at the top to add new items.