Details thousands of Porsche owners on the street

The data of 39,000 Dutch Porsche drivers is offered for sale on a hacker forum. The data was probably captured after the leak at RDC discovered last week.

Last week it was announced that a huge data breach has occurred at RDC. That company offers ICT services to garages and facilitates, for example, that car companies can automatically notify customers when it is time for the MOT inspection. The fact that data from 39,000 Dutch Porsche drivers is now being offered is probably related to this leak. The data of owners of expensive cars is attractive to criminals. After all, they can specifically get hold of data from people with a lot of money, or look for the luxury cars themselves. Some of the customer data is already open and exposed online, it reports AD.

According to cybersecurity experts, criminals can do a lot of harm with the large amount of data. “In the case of Porsche, for example, phishing emails can be sent from a counterfeit website, announcing recalls,” says one of them. Most people will not fall for that. But when six of those thousands of customers are so gullible to hand over their car, those crooks laugh. ” More serious is that car thieves only have to search by type number to see who owns a Porsche and what their details are.

Mapping those affected

Porsche importer Pon confirms that it was informed by the police of the digital burglary on Saturday. “In addition, confidential customer data was stolen,” says spokesperson Jacques Geijssen. “We are currently conducting research, in collaboration with the relevant authorities, and are doing everything we can to minimize any inconvenience to customers as much as possible. We will inform them as soon as possible. ” Pon regrets the matter. “The data of our customers is now on the street. We think that is very regrettable, but we cannot reverse it. We will now focus on what we can do for our customers. And that starts with mapping the leak. and which customers exactly are involved. Then we will inform them. “

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