Digital wellbeing may be causing problems with your launcher

Digital wellbeing may be causing problems with your launcher

Digital Wellbeing makes it difficult for third party launchers to work properly. If you use Nova Launcher, Action Launcher, Lawnchair or another variant, there is a chance that your device will revert to the standard launcher. That’s probably because of digital wellbeing.

Digital Wellbeing

If there is anything that can give your well-being a big boost, it is a smartphone that makes all kinds of choices on its own without informing you. When it comes to digital wellness and third-party launchers, that’s definitely something that can drive you crazy. Why does your phone keep choosing the default launcher after setting your third party launcher?

Digital wellbeing is the ogre. Oftentimes, users find that their launcher resets at 12 midnight, which is exactly when digital wellness turns on for many people. This issue seems to occur on devices with OEM Android shells and custom ROMs running on Android 10 and Android 11. Even if you reboot your device or reinstall the launcher, it keeps happening. This time, however, it’s not just app updates, but the normally innocent-looking Digital Wellbeing app.


At least someone says it reddit that it helps to disable the Digital Wellbeing app. On the one hand, that is not recommended, because this app controls things like focus mode, bedtime mode and ‘Do not disturb’, but at the same time the problem is so disturbing that it is now worth turning off that app anyway, if you use launcher you love. At the moment no other solution has been found for the problem.

Are you using a third party launcher and have you been having problems lately? Leave in the comments if turning off digital wellbeing is indeed the rescue. But, don’t forget to keep a close eye on your digital wellbeing.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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