Display statistics of bicycle workout on iPhone screen with live activity

If you regularly use the workout application for registering your bicycle performance, you have also had the option of displaying the statistics of your bike workout on the access screen of your iPhone since Watchos 10 and iOS 17.

This way you can follow everything closely during the rides on the bike. This view is exclusively available for bicycles and uses live activities. This also makes the performance visible in the Dynamic Island.

Workout cycling as live activity

When you start a bike workout on Apple Watch with Watchos 10, the workout automatically appears as a live activity on the access screen of your iPhone with iOS 17 or newer. If you tap this, the activity is shown in the screen.

Consult statistics

Once you have opened the live activity, the workout display will be opened and you will see all the statistics under which; heart rate zones, height, kilometer traveled, speed, etc.

Display statistics of bicycle workout on iPhone screen with live activity

By sweeping left or right you can also consult the route, adapted workouts and the new display for the bicycle speed. Wipe up to stop the workout or to lock the controllers.

The full views of your workout performance are optimized for the iPhone format. This way you can attach your iPhone to your bike and easily use it during your ride.

Dynamic Island

The live activity will not only be visible on the access screen, you can also view the current state of affairs in the Dynamic Island. This way you see the time, segments that have already been traveled and you can quickly pause or resume the workout.

Hide a bicycle workout on iPhone screen

Do you not want to use the autotic display of statistics of bicycle workout on iPhone screen? Then you can disable this via the Apple Watch app on your iPhone â–¸ Workout â–¸ Switch off the ‘View measurements on iPhone’ option.

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