If you travel by car, in some countries you must use a vignette. These are easy to obtain, but something to keep in mind before you hit the road. Vignettes in winter sports countries do not serve the same purpose in every country; in some countries you need it to use the highways, while in other countries it is only necessary to drive your car through environmental zones. But in which country do which rules apply?
The meaning of a vignette differs per vignette and its weight differs per country. In Austria, for example, a vignette is mandatory, because it shows that road tax has been paid on your vehicle. In Germany it has more to do with the emissions of your car; with a vignette on your car you are then welcome in certain environmental zones, which are not accessible to others. Vignettes in winter sports countries basically just tell you that your car meets certain requirements that you need to travel through certain areas. And luckily you can order them very easily.
Where are vignettes required?
If you go to winter sports, there is a good chance that a vignette will have to be ordered. In several popular winter sports countries, it is an obligation. One country only wants to see it in certain areas, while the other country just wants a sticker on every car.
- Germany – In Germany you need an environmental sticker for some areas. These environmental zones have been established to ensure that the air quality improves somewhat and you are therefore not welcome without an environmental sticker.
- France – Just like in Germany, you will also find different environmental zones in France, where you need an environmental sticker. For example, Paris is really a place where you can only go to certain places with a vignette Crit’Airâ€
- Italy – Just like in Germany and France, you certainly don’t need a vignette everywhere in Italy. Only if you drive in certain environmental zones, the Italians will require you to have a sticker for this.
- Austria – In Austria, every car under 3,500 kilograms must have a toll sticker. This vignette is proof that tax has been paid on the car in question. This Autobahnvignette can be ordered with a validity of ten days, two months or one year.
- Czech Republic – In the Czech Republic you need a toll sticker for the highway. These are available with a validity of ten days, a month or a year.
- Switzerland – This Autobahnvignette is also mandatory in Switzerland. The difference with the Austrian vignette is that a Swiss sticker is valid for one year as standard. It is important that the Swiss also like to see the proof of purchase of the vignette. So make sure you have this with you.
Vignettes in winter sports countries
Since vignettes are not mandatory everywhere, it is not a given that you have to buy a vignette for your winter sports. After all; those who go to the mountains will generally not enter environmental zones and therefore do not have to purchase a special sticker to be allowed to drive through busy cities. However, if you are looking for the slopes in Austria or Switzerland, you will certainly have to pull out your wallet. The obligation applies here on all highways and for all cars.
Where are vignettes for sale?
Fortunately, vignettes are easy to find and for sale in many places. The easiest way is to simply purchase them from the ANWB. This can be done online (Environmental sticker Germany†vignettes Austria and Switzerland) or through one of the many ANWB shops. You must order the French Crit’Air environmental sticker in time in France. You will also encounter plenty of gas stations at the border crossings where the vignettes are simply sold. The only problem in those locations is that more people have the same idea and you run the risk of standing in line for a while. If you just want to go out and about carefree, it would be a good idea to simply purchase the vignettes online, so that everything is arranged and you can steam through towards the snow.
There are several other traffic regulations in the winter sports countries you are going to or driving through. We have also listed them.
– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl