Enlarge taskbar in Windows 11

Enlarge taskbar in Windows 11

In Windows 11, the taskbar is in the middle of the desktop. Other than putting it back on the left, like in Windows 10, it seems like there’s little else you can do with it. But with these hacks you can enlarge the taskbar.

The first way is through a hack in the registry. Be careful about that, because doing wrong things in the registry can make your system unstable or even unusable. Fortunately, this is a very simple hack. Open the Registry Editor by looking through the magnifying glass next to Start for regedit.

Open the Registry Editor and navigate to the following key from the sidebar: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced. Right click on the folder in the left column Advanced and select in the context menu New / DWORD (32 bit) value. This will cause the Registry Editor to create a new value.

Create a new DWORD (32 bit) value.

Three options

Right click on this newcomer and change the name to TaskbarSi. Double-click it and enter one of the following three possible value data: 0, 1 or 2. 0 represents the smallest view of the Windows 11 taskbar, 1 means an average size and 2 means the largest size. When you have chosen a format, click on OK.

Then close the Registry Editor and restart Windows 11. You will see that the taskbar has a different size. If you want to go back to the default size, then follow the same path and enter your value 1 in at TaskbarSi.

You adjust the size of the taskbar by entering the value 0, 1 or 2.

Stardock Start 11

If you don’t want to tinker with the registry, there is also a solution that costs you 6.99 euros, namely Stardock Start 11. With this tool you not only adjust the size of the taskbar in small, Medium or Large, you can also choose from a variety of layouts, including Windows 7 or Windows 10 style. Furthermore, with this software you can, for example, move the start bar upwards and set the color, transparency and distance between the different icons.

It is even possible to have the icons not centered, but just connect them from the left. The changes you make will be applied immediately, but you must make sure that the switch in the settings is Use the Start 11 Start menu is enabled to work with it.

You can also adjust the size of the taskbar with Stardock’s Start 11 software.

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