Exercise snacking refers to short, intensive training units that can be easily integrated into everyday life. We show you five exercises that you can easily implement.
You can stimulate fat burning and muscle building through short workout exercises – this happens without much effort, but Exercise Snacking should complement and not replace our usual sport. The health and sometimes even mental advantages of the short movement units have already been proven.
Over time, excercise snacking can make fitter and muscular and activate body and mind. In addition, the short exercises are easy to implement, which means that they do not require cumbersome changes in everyday life. You can integrate Exercise Snacking so skillfully into the day that it is refreshing and really fun. In the following we present five crisp workout bold for athletes: inside with little time.
Exercise snacking right after getting up
In the morning, the bed edge is ideal for a round dips (also called bar support):
- Close your back to the bed.
- Place the palms on the edge of the bed.
- This results in an almost lying position. Dips are reminiscent of wrongly carried out push -ups.
- Touch the floor with the soles of the feet.
- Slowly bend and stretch your arms. The body lowers and lifts.
You should be careful to stretch your arms completely after bending and not to bring the movement out of the arms by swing, but targeted strength. We recommend ten to twelve repetitions that you should feel your triceps.
More Exercise Snacking in the morning

(Photo: stock.adobe.com/monkeybusiness)
If you cook your first tea or coffee after getting up, there is already an option for the next Exercise Snacking. The time in which your morning drink runs through is well suited to take a few rashes across the kitchen:
- Take a big step and angle the front leg.
- Bend your back leg down.
- The knee is at a 90-degree angle, so touch the floor.
You can then continue this transitory movement through the room. The exercise trains the leg and pomusculars, especially the thighs. After ten to twelve thorough lashes, your tea or coffee should also be ready to drink.
Stair climbing for in between
The third tip for Exercise Snacking is a proven classic, the effectiveness of which is documented by a wide variety of studies. It is about the decision to take the stairs whenever possible.
No matter whether in the stairwell of your own apartment, at work or a visit to the doctor – it is best to choose the stairs. This is not only the sportier, but also the more environmentally friendly variant, because there is no additional current due to the use of the elevator.
Stair climbing improves perseverance, more precisely the cardiorespiratory fitness, i.e. the efficient cooperation between heart and breathing. You use the leg muscles, especially calves and front thighs. Therefore, climbing stairs is a simple but highly effective workout snack for your leg muscles and condition.
Arm workout for the desk

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Happyveganfit)
You should get up at the desk as regularly as possible to stimulate the circulation and minimize the risks for your cardiovascular system. If you are already standing, arm circles can be implemented child’s play:
- To do this.
- Expose the arms horizontally on both sides.
- Then let them circle, preferably slowly from an early age.
This exercise seems almost too easy at the beginning, but quickly becomes exhausting. Therefore, a version of one to one and a half minutes is sufficient. The arms, shoulders and neck are strengthened here, especially biceps, triceps and delta muscle. It is a dynamic workout snack, which can be more advantageous than a static exercise, especially when sitting for a long time.
Exercise snacking while brushing your teeth
Most recently, brushing your teeth is ideal for a last Exercise Snacking in the evening. This time of about three minutes is perfect for a wall seat exercise.
- Sit down with your back to the wall.
- The legs form a 90-degree angle.
- The angle should not be less than 90 degrees (but is slightly larger but unproblematic).
- Make sure you can see your feet in front of your knees from above.
Brushing your teeth for three minutes can be quite long for this exercise, so it can only be considered part of the teeth brushing. For beginners: 30 to 60 seconds are enough inside – find your very own level here. The exercise claims the entire leg muscles, especially your thighs. Then you can stretch your legs a little to prevent sore muscles. More on this here:
If the wall seats alone does not use you sufficiently, the exercise can also be varied by placing a weight on your thighs. For example, five to ten kilogram slices are suitable for this. However, it also works well with a stack of books if you have no weights at hand.
Read more on utopia.de:
- Sporty resolutions for 2025? Ingo Froböse recommends workout stacking
- 4 training principles that help you with workout
- Sport in lunch break: so you pull it through
Revised by Lucas Drebenstedt
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