The box turtle originates from the US and may have been transported to the Netherlands by a ship of the West India Company.

The seventeenth century tortoise was found by archaeologist Etienne van Paridon last year during an excavation along the Kuipersdijk in Enkhuizen. A filled-in seaport used to be located here, namely the Oude Buyshaven. Large fishing vessels with herring arrived in this harbor. Many coopers had their own workshop along the Kuipersdijk. They made the barrels in which the herring was stored. The turtle was found in a thick layer of harbor silt – which was formed in the 17th century.

Find with a tail

Last year, the turtle’s discovery was already announced in the Noordhollands DagbladBut the story wasn’t over yet. At first, the archaeologists thought that the animal did not come to the Netherlands alive and that only the shield was taken. Later, the shell – which was full of soil – was cleaned and restorers found the skeleton of the turtle. This means that the animal has arrived alive in Enkhuizen. If only the shield had been transported, the animal’s bones would no longer be present.

Hole in the shield

The initials ‘PD’ are carved on the belly shell of the turtle. In addition, there is a hole. Originally, the archaeologists thought the hole was made to hang the shield from a wall or ceiling, but now it’s more likely that the living animal was tied up on a string or chain.

The found skeleton of the turtle.

The initials PD are clearly visible on the tortoise’s abdomen.

The animal may have been tied up on a string or chain.

Turtle may have gone on VOC ship

The archaeologists believe that the animal comes from the United States. The turtle was taken on a ship as a souvenir, possibly on a ship of the West India Company. It is quite possible for a turtle to survive a long sea voyage. A box turtle eats plant and animal food and also hibernates. During this period, the animal can be transported without care.

What is a box turtle?
the box turtle is a terrapin and occurs in almost all of North America and Mexico. Usually the animal lives in a wooded area near water. Box turtles have a belly shell that can close when threatened. In this way a rock hard armor is created. Did you know that box turtles can live very long? Many box turtles live more than a hundred years.

Who was P.D.?

In the seventeenth century, few domestic animals were kept. Some people did have exotic animals, but they were often kept as a living rarity. Unfortunately, there is little chance that we will ever find out who the turtle’s owner was and how this animal ended up in Enkhuizen. In addition, it is uncertain that this owner was ‘PD’. It could be that these initials belong to someone else.

More unique archaeological finds

The turtle is not the only unique find in the filled-in harbor of Enkhuizen. Van Paridon and his colleagues also found pieces of tropical coral, a wooden cooper’s hammer, a bearded man’s pitcher, penance needles and adzes. Watch special video footage of the excavation below.