Buchinger Fasting Method: How the cure works

Fasting according to Buchinger does not mean that you have to go hungry. Tea, juices and vegetable broth are allowed – but how exactly does the fasting cure work and what are the risks?

Fasting according to Buchinger: that’s the reason

If you opt for a fasting cure according to Buchinger, this is one conscious and also voluntary renunciation of food and luxury foods such as alcohol, coffee or even cigarettes. For a fasting cure, you should therefore have a certain inner attitude and be ready for voluntary renunciation. The desire for inner cleaning or the (pre-) joy of rest helps.

In addition to such internal conditions, external conditions are equally important. The fasting cure according to Buchinger is based on the fact that you go to a place of peace and quiet. The normal hectic everyday life is nothing for a fasting cure. For this reason, fasting is often meditated, relaxation exercises, other spiritual practices or even stays in fasting centers.

It is recommended that you conduct the first fasting experience under supervision or join a fasting group to cushion all ups and downs.

Buchinger Fasting Method: step by step

Juices and vegetable broth are allowed for Buchinger fasting.

Dr. Otto Buchinger further developed existing fasting concepts after he had tried his method himself and was able to alleviate his own illnesses such as rheumatism. He attached great importance to alternating phases of rest and activity. That is why it is so important not to do the fasting cure within your normal everyday life.

Preparation: discharge day

After you have decided to fast, you should do so-called relief days a day or two beforehand. That means:

  • 600 calories maximum
  • lots of carbohydrates, no fat and little protein
  • vitamins through a fruit day as a relief day: 1-2 kg of fruit spread over 5 meals
  • or a rice day, which you can eat with steamed vegetables: 150g rice with 200g steamed vegetables spread over the day
  • alternatively, you can take an oat day: 100g oatmeal with 100g fruit spread over three meals

It is also important that you drink enough fluids. 2 to 3 liters of water or tea at least it should be a day.

Entry: bowel evacuation

After you have prepared your body for the Buchinger fasting, you can start to empty your bowels after the days of relief. You can either do this with Glauber’s salt or with enemas. In order not to become dehydrated, it is particularly important that you drink a lot during the bowel evacuation phase.

Course: stimulation of excretions

As you fast, pay attention to:

  • sufficient exercise to promote blood circulation
  • 3 liters of fluid intake
  • Hot water bottles to stimulate the liver; Liver wraps work just as well
  • further bowel evacuation with the help of enemas (instead of lukewarm water you can also use Camomile tea)

In addition, according to Buchinger, fasting does not mean not taking in any food and therefore no nutrients. Juices and vegetable broths are allowed – and thus 200-300 calories per day.

  • You can drink 1/4 liter of tea (ginger or herbs) in the morning and afternoon. If you are not vegan, honey is allowed in traditional Buchinger fasting.
  • At lunchtime 1/4 liter fruit juice is suitable, at best freshly squeezed and
  • 1/4 liter vegetable juice in the evening, also freshly squeezed.

End: breaking the fast

Fast Buchinger fasting takes at least five days, but can take up to 4 weeks. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor. You can break the fast on the last day. Traditionally, you eat an apple for breakfast that day and chew it thoroughly. Your calorie intake should now slowly increase:

  • Day 1: 800 calories
  • Day 2: 1000 calories
  • Day 3: 1200 calories
  • Day 4: 1500 calories
  • Day 5: 1800 calories

The build-up phase after the actual fast therefore takes some time. It is important that you are not under any stress during this time and that you and your body can relax. You should also avoid animal products and fatty foods, as well as alcohol, cigarettes and all other addictive substances.

When you shouldn’t fast

You should not fast according to Buchinger if you:

  • are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • under anorexia suffer
  • for other reasons, are underweight (hyperthyroidism)
  • have cancer
  • have liver or kidney disease
  • or being a child or junior

Check with your doctor beforehand if you can fast. It is advisable to do the first fasting cure under instruction.

Are there risks and side effects of fasting according to Buchinger?

Healing fasting in a group makes it easier for you to hold out and assess risks better.

If you ask your doctor or pharmacist, you will certainly get different answers. The fact is that our bodies need food. Fasting could, under certain circumstances, cause you psychological and physical difficulties. When you fast, be aware that headaches, depression, dizziness and sleep disorders can occur. If your fasting course goes too long, muscle loss can occur.

For precisely these reasons, you should consult a doctor or closely monitor yourself and possibly stop your fasting cure after Buchinger.

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