Ferrari reopens factories in more than two weeks

After all European factory closings, some brands are already looking ahead to the near future. Ferrari announces that its Italian factories will reopen soon.

Although Italy is still completely closed due to the corona virus, Ferrari says that it will open its factory doors again on April 14. That is, if the suppliers can deliver their products. These are the factories in the severely affected north of the country. The factories are located in Maranello and Modena, near Bologna. The reports do not clarify how quickly all production will run again, but according to Ferrari the activities that can be restarted safely will be resumed. Anyone who is not yet able to get started can stay at home with pay.

Despite the perhaps somewhat rapid reopening, the brand guarantees the health of its employees. Although the financial consequences of COVID-19 are not yet known, Ferrari is still confident that it will be able to keep its back straight and that it will bring positive results to its investors. Ferrari ceased production on March 16, partly due to the lagging supply of suppliers. Ferrari is the first manufacturer to reopen its European factories.

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