Anyone who takes part in “Fizz Free February” will not drink any sugar-laced drinks for the entire month of February. For many, this will be a big change – one that is good for their health.
No soft drinks for 28 days. The basic idea of Fizz Free February: If you manage to avoid sweet drinks for a whole month, it will be much easier for the rest of the year.
Many people consume extremely high levels of sugar through drinks such as lemonade. This is especially true for Germans: According to a study by Foodwatch, in 2023 they consumed an average of 23 grams of sugar per day from cola, soda and the like. To give you a better idea: That’s almost eight sugar cubes. So a lot. After all, too much sugar can have negative consequences for your health.
Sweet drinks in particular are considered the main cause of obesity and type 2 diabetes. The Fizz Free February is intended to counteract this. “Fizz” means something like hissing in German – the sound you hear when you open a soft drink can.
The campaign was launched by the district council of Southwark, a district in London. It is particularly aimed at students. But a month without sugary drinks doesn’t just make sense for children and young people.
Fizz Free February: Reasons to Join

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Jonas_Fehre)
There are several sensible arguments for avoiding sugary drinks or drinking less of them. The following points can motivate you for Fizz Free February:
You prevent illness: According to study results, those who drink a lot of sweet drinks have a greater risk of developing gout and heart problems. Sugar can also promote inflammation in the body.
The financial aspect: You save money. Ready-made soda, iced tea or cola cost more than if you make your own (sugar-free) drinks or drink tap water.
Healthy teeth: Lemonade and other sugary drinks are the biggest cause of tooth decay, especially among minors. But sugary drinks also significantly increase the risk in adults. According to a study, sugar consumption changes the oral flora.
Better skin: According to the medical newspaper, too much sugar can lead to pimples.
Here’s how you can take part in Fizz Free February

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Counseling)
It’s simple: don’t drink sugary drinks in February. You can also set up Fizz Free February as a larger promotion or campaign:
- Win over friends, family and acquaintances for Fizz Free February. Together you can motivate yourself and help you persevere.
- If you have school-age children or teenagers: Convince teachers to carry out the campaign as a class. The same applies to sports clubs. In addition, a month without sweet drinks is particularly useful at this age. According to the RKI, a quarter of young people drink sugary soft drinks at least once a day.
- After Dry January, Fizz Free February is the next good opportunity to do something for your health.
If you suffer from sugar withdrawal, a wholesome, healthy diet will help. You can also do sports – this will release the same feelings of happiness, similar to when you consume sugar. However, you should avoid sweeteners.
Fizz Free February: And what should you drink then?

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Huang_Jin)
Don’t worry – if you take part in Fizz Free February, you don’t just have to drink water or unsweetened tea. There are many delicious drinks that do not contain any sugar or sweeteners. And who knows: Maybe Fizz Free February will give you a taste for it and you’ll give up sugar completely in the future?
The following sugar-free drinks are suitable for Fizz Free February:
- Iced tea without sugar
Homemade lemonade – blueberry mint lemonade, for example, does not contain any sugar
Infused water, for example with lemon slices or cucumbers
- Homemade ACE juice
- Homemade smoothies
If you no longer find it difficult to give up sweet drinks, you can go one step further and try baking without sugar or other sugar-free recipes.
Read more on Techzle\.com:
- Coconut blossom sugar: This sugar substitute really is that healthy
- Do you have to drink 2 liters of water every day? Study clears up recommendation
- No joke: This organic soda is in trouble because it contains too LITTLE sugar
Edited by Lea Hermann
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