‘Google Chrome will soon let you follow new content from websites’

'Google Chrome will soon let you follow new content from websites'

Google is working on an RSS feature for its Chrome browser on desktop. You can use it to follow websites and then view an overview of all their new articles. The feature was previously available in the Android version, but it is also coming to Chrome on desktop.

RSS in Chrome

Some users will probably remember the Google Reader: a tool that allowed you to link websites and then follow their latest content. Reader was also a darling of the Androidworld editors, but it disappeared in 2013 like many Google services to follow.

Last year, Google relaunched an RSS feed as an experimental feature for the Chrome browser for Android. Work is also being done on an integration in the Chrome browser for desktop, which has About Chromebooks discovered in the code. On the right in the menu with the three dots you can click on a ‘Follow’ button. Furthermore, the news feed will then appear in a new tab.

We can already see it in screenshots of the function, but it is not yet possible to make the RSS reader really work. It also seems that we shouldn’t expect the improvements in a next version of Chrome just yet. About Chromebooks asked Adrienne Porter Felt for a response, she is a Chrome developer. In a tweet she already suggested that we will see more improvements to the RSS reader in Android before the desktop function will work.

More Chrome news and tips

In July, it was also announced that Google will stop using browser cookies in Chrome by 2024. It will be replaced by a new system that, according to Google, is more privacy-friendly. We also explained how to export share bookmarks in Chrome, as well as how to mute sounds from specific websites. Are you looking forward to an RSS integration in Chrome? Which service do you currently use for your RSS feed? Let us know in the comments.

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– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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