Editing photos on iOS is easy with Apple’s own Photos app. In this guide, we’ll explain what’s possible and how to get the most out of the app.
Editing photos on iOS: this is how the Photos app works
After taking a photo, you can edit it before sharing it with others. Think of cropping the edges or adjusting the colors. For this you can download a complicated photo editing app and we have listed the best free Photoshop apps for you. Still, that’s not necessary, as Apple’s own Photos app also has editing options. These are not as complete as in the above apps, but still let you do a lot.
To find editing options, go to the Photos app, open a photo and tap Edit in the top right. There you will find various buttons with the following useful functions.
1. Improve automatically
There is a magic wand at the top right of the screen. When you press this, the Photos app will automatically make edits to make the specific image look good. The app adjusts, among other things, the contrast, exposure and saturation. Are you satisfied? Then press ‘Done’ at the bottom right so that the changes are saved.
If you are not satisfied, press the magic wand again to cancel the edits. Then choose the individual editing options below to edit according to your own wishes.
2. Crop your photo
At the bottom of the screen you will find four buttons for editing images. The first button with a square consisting of two lines with two arrows next to it, is for cropping and rotating your photo. If you tap this, the image will be displayed in its entirety with a white border around it. Drag the sides or corners of this white border to crop the image.

Should the image be given a specific ratio? Then tap the icon at the bottom right that resembles a small Picasso painting. Then you choose whether the image should be square or, for example, 16 by 9. Now if you drag the white edges, the ratio will be preserved. When you’re happy with the result, tap Done.
3. Rotate your photo
Via the same button (square consisting of two lines with two arrows next to it) it is possible to rotate the photo. The app often automatically makes a proposal to straighten the image, but you can also rotate it manually. To do this, place your finger just below the image, on the numbers shown there. Drag your finger left or right to rotate the photo.
Do you want to rotate the photo a quarter turn? Then tap the icon at the bottom left (square with an arrow to the left). You can press several times to rotate the photo a quarter turn counterclockwise each time. Have you found your way? Then tap ‘Done’.
4. Add a filter
The second button at the bottom of the screen consists of three circles placed in a triangle. Those are the filters. Here you choose a filter such as ‘Vivid’ or ‘Dramatic’. You can try them one by one by tapping on them. If you tap a filter a second time, the image will revert to the original. This way you can clearly see the difference. Are you satisfied? Then tap ‘Done’.

5. Adjust light and color
The third knob, which resembles the rotary knob on a gas stove, lets you adjust light and color. If you tap ‘Light’, you will get a list of options, such as ‘Glow’, ‘Lighting’ and ‘Brightness’. Tap one of these options and drag the bar below the image left or right to decrease or increase that value. It’s helpful to play around with these different options until you like the lighting. Choose the menu icon to grab another option and change its value.
In that menu you will also find ‘Color’. With this you adjust, among other things, the saturation, that is the intensity of the colors. You can also enhance the contrast, so that light and dark colors are more clearly distinguished. With ‘Color cast’ you place a tint over the photo.

In this menu you will also find ‘B / W’, which makes the photo black and white. You also get the options to adjust values ​​such as intensity, hue and graininess.
6. Place markers and more
The fourth button is a circle with three dots. If you tap on this and then on ‘Markers’, you will be able to decorate your image with different types of markers and pencils. Tap the black circle on the right to select a color. The inverted marker erases your lines and the arrow on the left undo your actions.
By tapping the plus sign you can also add text, place a signature, use a magnifying glass and add solid shapes such as a speech bubble. You can move your artwork by dragging it with your finger. Are you looking for ‘Done’? This button is now at the top right.

Under the same button (circle with three dots), you will find other apps that work with Photos to do something with your image.
7. Remove red eyes
Apple Photos also has the option to remove red eyes. Red eyes in photos can be caused by the light from the flash reflecting off the pupil. To make the pupils black again, tap the top left on the eye with a line through it. Then you tap on each red eye and the app will make the pupils black.
Edit photos on your Mac
Do you want to edit photos on your Mac? You don’t need a complicated photo editing app for that either. We explain how to use the Photos app on your Mac (Book).
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