Haskap: miracleberry or unnecessary hype?

Haskap: miracleberry or unnecessary hype?
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Nowaja

We investigate the question of whether the Haskap berry is a new superfood or it is only an unnecessary hype. So there are also domestic alternatives to the much advertised superfood.

The Haskap berry-a valuable superfood or a commercially motivated hype?

The supposed miracle berry is blue like our domestic blueberries and has the shape of rose hips. It originally comes from Siberia, but was cultivated in Japan from the 13th century and is now increasingly grown in Germany.

The green shrub with the botanical name Lonicera Caerulea belongs to the family of the Geißblatt family and becomes about two meters high. In Germany it is also known as an ornamental plant under the name “Blue Heckenkirsche” or “honey berry”.

Caution: Other variants, such as the red hedge cherry (Lonicera Xyloseum), can be poisonous.

In Japan she got her “Haskap” name that was common today. Translated this means “the berry of eternal life”. The small blue berry is intended to protect cells from cancer and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Is Haskap healthier than local berries?

Haskap is no more superfood than it is domestic berries.
Haskap is no more superfood than it is domestic berries.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Couleur)

What distinguishes the Haskap from the blueberry known to us? Apparently not too much. According to the consumer center, domestic raspberry, bromine and blueberries have a similar effect on our organism as Haskap. So the idea arises that the term “superfood” has one thing primarily: profit through suggestive advertising.

You can consume Haskap as a raw berry or in the form of berry juice. It should taste like a mixture of blueberry, raspberry and blackberry. Culinary, the small berry can therefore expand your menu. Try Haskap berries instead of plums or cherries on your next sheet cake.

Are you a team at home? Here you will find delicious recipes for raspberry and co.: Strawberries, raspberries & Co: The best recipes, tips & information

You cannot expect ultimate protection or spontaneous recovery of diseases. So far there have been no studies that could make such an effect. The Haskap berry is no better or worse than our domestic berry varieties.

The advertised effect of Haskap

Local berry varieties sometimes have the same effect as Haskap.
Local berry varieties sometimes have the same effect as Haskap.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Bekey)

According to advertising, the nutrition with the Haskap berry is said to cause numerous effects, but which are not proven. According to the consumer center, the berries contain so -called anthocyanes that have an antioxidant effect. They protect against free radicals and thus prevent diseases.

However, the scientific study situation is quite thin. Apart from that, the blue berries from the east should contain a lot of vitamin C and minerals as well as iron. According to advertising, you should be able to protect your cells and vessels by consuming the Haskap berries, reduce your blood pressure, prevent cardiovascular diseases and reduce the risk of cancer.

That sounds great? You already know that the advertised effects are not proven. Beautiful words about the miracle effects mostly come from the manufacturers: inside. That means: The advertising exaggerates consciously to boost the sale. But that doesn’t mean that Haskap would be ineffective. The berries are always healthy, but the hype seems to be exaggerated.

Superfood: an advertising machine

Chia seeds, like Haskap, are also considered a superfood.
Chia seeds, like Haskap, are also considered a superfood.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / BWS_POTSDAM)

So -called superfood has been on everyone’s lips for several years. The berries and seeds mostly marketed as exotic and particularly healthy lure with promises from optimizing one’s own health. For example, they are supposed to increase physical and mental performance, protect the heart and slow down aging.

But that is not quite the truth. According to an examination of Ökotest, most of the food examined are healthy and support healthy diet – alone and in the cans in which they are mostly eaten, they can do little. An extensive balanced diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle. The Federal Center for Nutrition also follows this view.

Exotic seeds and fruits also have a long transport route behind them and have problems with local agriculture due to high water consumption. Therefore, you prefer to use local organic products.

The following applies: domestic fruit such as strawberries and blackberries may not be quite as trendy, but no less healthy than exotic superfood and ends up fresh more freshly on our plates and improve your personal CO2 footprint.

Ultimately, the hype around Haskap as well as the trendy superfood is generally exaggerated. For sustainable, healthy and balanced diet, you shouldn’t let the advertising drive yourself.

Read more on utopia.de:

  • Superfood: Is the cores business just a dizziness?
  • Superfood list: These berries, fruits and powder have it all!
  • These regional superfoods don’t cost you a cent

Revised by Adriana Jodlowska

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