Healthy linseed oil: This is how linseed extract works

Linseed oil is obtained from the ripe seeds of linseed, also known as flax
Photo: Photo: © emmi –

Linseed oil is known to many as a wood preservative. This healthy oil, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, can do so much more than just take care of our garden chairs. We will show you the positive effects that “liquid gold” has on health.

Linseed oil: The good fat

Linseed oil is obtained from the ripe seeds of flax – also known as flax. Along with wheat and barley, linseed is one of the earliest agricultural plants in Eurasia. Flax cultivation decreased in Germany in the mid-20th century, but experienced a renaissance in the 1980s.

Linseed oil has been said to have healing properties since time immemorial. The oil contains a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. These cannot be produced by the body itself, but play an important role in human metabolism. We therefore have to absorb the fatty acids through food.

The Association for Independent Health Advice calls flaxseed oil the “best dietary source” of omega-3 fatty acids because the oil contains up to 60 percent of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Linseed oil is therefore ideal for vegetarians and vegans in particular, as it is a plant-based alternative to fish. A tablespoon of flaxseed oil already contains two to four grams of ALA. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends a daily amount of 1.5 grams per day.

Linseed oil is often called “liquid gold”. How does it affect the body?

Linseed oil and its positive effects on health

The seeds from which linseed oil is made
The seeds from which linseed oil is made
(Photo: CC0/pixabay/pezibear)

With its nutty taste, linseed oil is not only extremely tasty, but also very healthy. In a meta-study, scientists examined the health benefits of linseed oil. The current study was published in the European Journal of Medical Research. According to the researchers, regular intake of flaxseed oil can:

  • Bone health: According to the scientists, it can be said that the consumption of flaxseed oil can have a positive effect on bone strength.

  • Depression: According to the study, omega-3 fatty acids have an effect on mood. A dietary supplement with linseed oil therefore showed a supportive effect in the treatment of depression.

  • Anti-inflammatory: The scientists believe that the alpha-linolenic acid in linseed oil can have an anti-inflammatory, immune-regulating and antibacterial effect.

  • Cholesterol levels: According to the study, the components eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in flaxseed oil are responsible for reducing plasma cholesterol in the body.

  • Improved performance: A study by the University of Texas at San Antonio showed that an adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids can improve cognitive performance.

  • High blood pressure: A 2022 study suggested that consuming flaxseed oil significantly reduced systolic blood pressure but not diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure measures the pressure of the heartbeat while diastolic blood pressure measures the pressure on the vessels.

Linseed oil also has positive effects on, among other things:

  • Skin: According to a study by the University of Düsseldorf, linseed oil can have a positive effect on scaly or dry skin. Linseed oil can have a supporting effect in the treatment of neurodermatitis and psoriasis.

  • Intestinal flora (due to the mucilage contained in linseed oil)

You can prepare this with linseed oil

In order to reach the daily amount of omega-3 fatty acids recommended by the DGE, you can of course simply consume a tablespoon of linseed oil. However, there are a few recipes that will make it easier for you to absorb the oil:

  • Baked potatoes with vegan quark: In addition to herbs and spices, you can add linseed oil to the quark.

  • Smoothies: Add the amount of flaxseed oil to your smoothie of choice based on taste.

  • Breakfast bowl: Instead of drinking your smoothie, you can make it thicker and eat it as a bowl. Again, you can add a small amount of linseed oil.

  • Salad: You can enrich a dressing made of vinegar and oil with a dash of linseed oil.

  • Vegan mayonnaise: Just make your own mayonnaise without eggs. You can replace parts of the oil specified in the recipe with linseed oil.

You have to pay attention to this when buying and storing

There are different methods of obtaining linseed oil:

  • Cold pressing: Here the oil is golden yellow, flows viscously from the spoon and has an intense, nutty taste. This process preserves most of the vitamins and nutrients.

  • Hot pressing: During hot pressing, the oil is yellowish-brown and loses valuable ingredients as a result of the heating.

  • Refined oil: has a light golden yellow color and hardly any health-promoting ingredients

However it is obtained, linseed oil has one major disadvantage: it only lasts for a very short time (about two months in the fridge) before it goes rancid and tastes bitter. The oil should always be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

It is therefore advisable to buy small amounts of linseed oil (linseed oil is available, for example, in health food stores or at** Amazon). But high quality and cold-pressed – so that your health benefits and not just your palate!

Read more on Techzle\.com:

  • Omega-3 fatty acid: the essential fat
  • 5 arguments against fish
  • Olive Oil Test 2017: Grade Scam, Pollutants and Rancid Taste

Revised by Nora Braatz

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