Home Remedies For Heartburn: What Really Helps

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Medicines from the pharmacy not only relieve heartburn. There are many herbal heartburn home remedies that can help you quickly and easily.

The causes of heartburn can be many. Improper nutrition is often to blame: fatty foods or excessive alcohol consumption, for example, promote gastric acidity. Many people complain of heartburn even during pregnancy or in stressful situations. Before you start taking medication, you can try the following home remedies for heartburn.

These home remedies help with heartburn

Chewing crispbread slowly can bind stomach acid and help against heartburn.
Chewing crispbread slowly can bind stomach acid and help against heartburn.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / marlokuisma)
  • Almonds or oatmeal: Chew about five peeled almonds or a tablespoon of oatmeal into porridge and then slowly swallow it. This binds the excess stomach acid that causes the burning pain.
  • Fennel tea or chamomile tea: A cup of lukewarm chamomile tea calms the irritated mucous membranes and flushes the stomach acid back towards the stomach. It is best to drink slowly, only in sips.
  • dry bread: Starchy foods like dry bread, crackers, rusks or bananas can absorb excess stomach acid and relieve heartburn.
  • Potatoes: The starch contained in the potatoes also binds the stomach acid. If you have any complaints, you either eat half a raw potato or drink potato juice. You can also make this yourself with a juicer.
  • Baking soda: The bicarbonate in baking soda is basic and can Neutralize stomach acid and so help against heartburn.

If heartburn does not stop: Seek medical advice

Of course, the success of treatment also depends on what the specific cause is. So if you have frequent and persistent heartburn, you should seek medical advice. Because inflammation of the diaphragm or esophagus or the so-called reflux disease can also cause the excessive production of stomach acid.

Read more on Techzle.com:

  • These home remedies help with nausea and vomiting
  • Heartburn in Pregnancy: These home remedies help
  • Soda against heartburn: this is how you use it


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