Hostinger: discover and get a free hosting plan

Did you know that you can launch your website for free today? When creating a web project, the question of hosting quickly arises and choosing a solution adapted to your needs is essential. To test a new tool or create your first site, Hostinger offers you a free hosting solution called 000webhost. A great alternative to start your website in 2023 at a lower cost.

Having a free hosting solution can be extremely useful in certain cases, particularly when you want to share large files, create an ephemeral website or even test the latest CMS fashionable in 2023. This method of However, hosting has some limitations, with a domain name that is not fully customizable, limited storage and less attractive performance than paid offers. Hostinger offers a quality solution if you want to start your adventure in free hosting, a service that is simple to implement and which will familiarize you with the entire process related to web hosting.

Why free web hosting?

There are many benefits to having a free web hosting service, but the biggest one is the price. Web hosts offer many packages to their users, dedicated, shared, vps or even Cloud hosting, all their offers can quickly see their prices soar, depending on the SSD storage selected, the available RAM, the number of CPUs or quite simply the type of accommodation chosen. With a free solution, there is no need to worry about the price, a pleasant feeling that can reassure when developing a website.

Test a website in real conditions

Creating a website can be impressive, especially if you are new to this sector. Whether you want to use a new CMS, or you are learning a programming language such as HTML or CSS, hosting the latter remains essential if you want to test the entire creation process. Using free hosting is then a solution of choice, since this will allow you to put your work in real condition and see it active on the internet. A satisfying feeling that makes it easier to share at the same time. In addition to this, the entire process is free and with no deadline, unlike other “free” plans in the form of money back guarantee. You can thus develop your website peacefully in your free time without wondering when your trial period ends, an excellent way of learning.

A temporary event site

Not all sites are destined to last on the Internet, this is particularly the case for event sites. The goal here is to promote your physical or virtual event which will take place on a given date. Once the opportunity has passed, the site no longer has any reason to exist and therefore its deletion becomes obvious. For this type of structure, free hosting is a godsend, since it allows you to manage an extremely useful online presence to promote your event, without spending significant sums, the best thing will be to link it to a CMS such as WordPress. This allows you to have a new acquisition vector for your event, with a professional rendering, following the design of your site. Among this type of site, we can list many categories such as wedding sites, sites for a creative hobby fair or a website dedicated to meeting former students. The applications are numerous and free hosting is a great help in making them possible.

Temporary storage of heavy files

Free hosting can be of great help in a completely different type of sector: temporary storage of large files. Whether in a personal setting with photos, videos or in a professional setting with the storage of models or large files, this type of application gives full meaning to free hosting. It allows you to temporarily store all of your data, within the limit imposed by the host, so that you can then retrieve them when the time comes, a smart storage method, which is unfortunately often forgotten. To go further, this can also allow you to format your data in the form of a site to make it easier to access, a little extra that can give a “fun” character to your files.

000webhost, Hostinger’s free offer

000webhost is one of the leading solutions in the free hosting sector. This service developed by Hostinger has attracted many users due to its simplicity of configuration and, of course, its more than attractive price for its basic version: 0 euros.

Who is Hostinger?

Creator Hostinger Logo © © Hostinger
@Hostinger: A leading web host

Hostinger is a Lithuanian web hosting player. With 19 years of experience in the field, the company will have more than 29 million users and 10,000 new registrations per day in 2023. In addition to these impressive figures, Hostinger has a catalog of varied offers, including shared hosting, VPS and Cloud, a real plus in the evolution of a web project. Taking these different factors into account, Hostinger is one of the best web hosts currently on the market, an important reputation to take into account when choosing your free host.

With this desire for growth and an adaptation of its plans to its customers, Hostinger has developed 000Webhost, thus adding the free hosting category to its catalog. Even if the two solutions are linked, there is a very distinct website for each of its solutions with a small reminder “powered by Hostinger” on the 000Webhost site.

What is the 000Webhost solution powered by Hostinger worth?

@000webhost: The free offer powered by Hostinger

It is important to differentiate the offers of 000Webhost, if you are looking for a free hosting solution, it is undoubtedly one of the best in its category. However, if you want to add features and upgrade to a premium offer, the service can be slightly expensive.

The free hosting offered by 000Webhost has very practical features, for example the integration of cPanel, PHP and MySQL. One of the options we prefer is the absence of advertising displayed next to your content, a practice very widely used when the service is free, but which is absent on this solution. This type of advertising can greatly harm your online reputation and therefore the notoriety of your site, especially if you want to promote an event. This free service has no limit since you can benefit from it “for life”, an appreciable and rare uniqueness on the market. The free plan offers you hosting with 300 MB of storage and bandwidth limited to 3 GB. If you opt for this solution, site availability is not guaranteed 7 days a day and support will not be included.

Free hosting, what you need to know

Free hosting has many advantages as we have just seen, however if you want to push your web project to another level it very quickly turns out to be blocking, pushing the user to change the formula in order to move towards a powerful solution with more interesting features.

No domain name

The first aspect to note, and not the least, is the absence of a personalized domain name included with the hosting. Indeed, with this offer you cannot rename your main URL. This results in a potential lack of credibility and an absence of brand image for your site. For an established website, this is the main blocking point, especially in 2023 with the increase in online scams which push users to be more and more wary of the Internet. The majority of premium web hosting plans have a free domain name (the first year), allowing this fundamental element to be added to the website. As you will have understood, this condition comes into consideration if you wish to go further in your project and does not apply to everyone.

No user support

As mentioned previously, support is not included in free hosting solutions, or very limited. This can be very impactful when dealing with configuration issues or help with setting up your hosting. These services support complex technologies and their handling can prove complicated in certain cases, the absence of support or help can therefore be a real obstacle to your development. If your site were to be hacked or suffer a malfunction, you will have to resolve this problem alone or at least without the help of the host.

Hostinger plans refunded within 30 days

If you want another type of “free” solution, the 30-day money back offers offered by Hostinger will be an excellent alternative. This can be considered as free plans since you can request a full refund of the amount spent without any reason. A period offering you the opportunity to test the solution with more powerful resources, an assigned domain name, a professional email box (in certain cases) and WordPress pre-configuration if you wish. This will allow you to go further in the design of your site and integrate more advanced features, which you could not add due to storage limitations in the case of free hosting. In this type of offer, you also benefit from responsive support 7 days a day which will greatly help you in configuring or learning your web solution. A real plus which is not “entirely” free, but which can prove to be of great help in many web projects.

Single Hosting

Single Hosting

  • storage

    50 GB of storage

  • money_off

    30 day refund

  • security

    SSL certificate included

  • install_desktop

    WordPress compatible


Hostinger ticks a lot of boxes, starting with the exhaustiveness of its offers as well as its attractive prices, although not always very clear at first glance. It is at the top of the best and most efficient hosts on the market. Another advantage is that it now has servers in France.

Read the full review Try Hostinger individually now!

Hostinger advantages per unit
  • An extremely rich range
  • A foolproof response time
  • NVMe servers in France
  • Attractive prices
Disadvantages of Hostinger individually
  • Low prices with a commitment

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