Hostinger: How to get a promo code in September 2023?

We may have the best idea in the world and the best possible developer to put it into practice, but without a subscription to a web host, this idea can be forgotten straight away. Hosting is essential for the creation of a website because it establishes the link between the created site and its publication on the web. Hostinger is one of the best options on the market, and stands out from the competition with rather attractive prices. It is also possible to lower prices a little further, provided you know where to look. There are various ways to save money on a Hostinger subscription, and here we’ll go over the simplest and easiest to find, with updated offers for the month of October 2023.

Launched more than 20 years ago, Hostinger was originally called Hosting Media before changing its name in 2011. It offers a whole range of services including web hosting, with particularly impressive figures: 29 million users. ‘users who have used Hostinger over the years, with over 10,000 new customers every day. These figures demonstrate one thing: Hostinger is one of the best hosting services at the moment, as we were able to indicate in our detailed review of Hostinger.

After the madness of going back to school in September, the month of October is generally much calmer. But there’s no right or wrong time to launch a site, and using a service like Hostinger can be particularly beneficial at any time of year. If you decide to create a new site as a student project or for a professional structure, the web host will be a necessary step in publishing the site on the web. Whether you are a professional looking for a tool of this type or an amateur who wants to make your website accessible to everyone, Hostinger is one of the most practical and least expensive options on the internet.

The prices offered by Hostinger are indeed among the most attractive on the web, and yet: it is possible to lower them further. The methods are numerous: promo code or sporadic reductions, if you arrive at the right time at the right place, it is possible to lower the costs of the service significantly enough to remember it, and invest the few euros saved in something else. thing. You still need to find these methods to save money: this is where we come in. To avoid scams or fake codes, we have created a guide to discover the most interesting offers on Hostinger in order to benefit from the best possible price in October 2023.


How to use the CLUBIC promo code on Hostinger hosting

First of all, if you are looking for a functional and durable promo code, our eponymous discount “CLUBIC” will offer you a series of discounts on some of the services offered by Hostinger. This coupon gives you access to an additional 10% off your subscriptions.

Hostinger shared hosting promo code

Shared hosting is one of Hostinger’s great strengths, the host offers three offers on this market. Depending on the desired performance and resources, you will have to choose between the “individual”, “Premium” and “Business” plan. For this type of accommodation, the “CLUBIC” coupon can be activated on all subscriptions with a minimum commitment of 12 months. If the plan you wanted matches this, you’ll get an additional 10% off your subscription. This type of offer is also subject to internal Hostinger discounts, however, do not worry, the coupon is cumulative with these promotions.

Step 1: enter the “CLUBIC” coupon in the promotional code section


Step 2: click validate and take advantage of your discount on Hostinger

Hostinger WordPress promo code

WordPress hosting offered by Hostinger allows you to facilitate the deployment of your solution on the CMS of the same name. It is a service that optimizes page loading speeds under WordPress and includes a good number of features that are very useful to the most used CMS in the world. If your next hosting is dedicated to this type of site, the “CLUBIC” reduction coupon offers you 10% reduction on plans subscribed with a minimum 12-month commitment. Also note that this type of hosting is slightly more modular than the previous one, in fact Hostinger gives you the choice between four solutions.

Hostinger VPS promo code

VPS hosting gives you access to part of the resources of a physical server, due to site partitioning, these will not be shared with other projects, thus offering a better distribution of performance. Based on virtualization, VPS hosting is often slightly more expensive than the solutions presented just before. Hostinger offers a large catalog of VPS offers to its users, with no less than eight plans in total. Similar to web and WordPress hosting, you can benefit from 10% discounts on these offers, using the code “CLUBIC”. Remember to select an offer with commitment if you wish to benefit from this promotion.

Hostinger Minecraft promo code

Even more specific, Hostinger has plans specific to Minecraft hosting. This famous construction game, based on cubes, requires the deployment of servers. For example, if you want to create your own world, its rules and its moderations, you will certainly have to go through a private server of this type. You have the choice between three plans for this type of hosting, solutions that are often more expensive than traditional web hosting and which therefore justify the use of a discount code. On this type of offer too, the code “CLUBIC” reduces the score by 10%, the opportunity to treat yourself for the opening of your brand new Minecraft server.

Hostinger Cloud promo code

The last type of offer affected by our “CLUBIC” promo code is Cloud hosting. More modular and better managing traffic peaks than its colleagues, the cloud is widely used in the event of an increase in visitors to a website. Hostinger offers you the choice between three plans: “Startup”, “Professional” and “Enterprise”. On all of these offers, provided you subscribe to a minimum 12-month commitment, you can benefit from a 10% reduction on your total subscription. To do this, don’t forget to enter our coupon in the “Promotional Code” section of the host.

Why host your site with Hostinger?

Advantageous rates

Hostinger is one of the leaders in the hosting market, and the prices are not for nothing. In fact, the host offers a wide choice of offers, all at reduced prices. Although the no-commitment plans are not the most attractive on the market, you can, if you wish, have a reduction of up to -81%. In this case, you will have to commit to a period of 48 months, thus benefiting from an unbeatable price in relation to the service provided. If you want a shorter commitment period (12, 24 or 36 months), same principle, but this time with a slightly lower reduction. In short, the host offers attractive offers on the condition of commitment, if you create a site so that it lasts over time, Hostinger’s pricing will certainly interest you.

A website builder

In addition to having competitive prices, Hostinger has worked hard to support beginners and intermediates in creating their website. In this line, we find in particular responsive customer support as well as resources useful for resolving your problems. It doesn’t stop there, as Hostinger has implemented a website builder. A platform entirely dedicated to beginners, offering them valuable help for their first steps in the web world. This creator gives you access to a large number of templates, with a wide choice of categories: “home”, “health”, “restaurants” etc…

Creator Hostinger 13 © © Hostinger
@Hostinger: website builder

A wide range of offers to develop your site

We saw it during the presentation of our promo code, Hostinger has a wide choice of services, segmented into several plans. This gives you access to better adaptability of the offer to your project, allowing you to make the right choice for your solution. This has a second advantage, since you will have great scalability in the event of an increase in traffic. Hostinger covers the majority of hosting options and in this sense, you can easily change subscriptions if you wish, thus adapting your subscription to your new needs.

Which WordPress hosting to choose from Hostinger

Hostinger offers four plans for hosting dedicated to WordPress: “Single”, “Starter”, “Business” and “Pro”. To begin with, if you plan to have several sites on your subscription, the “Single” offer will not be for you, because the latter does not have multisite functionality. Then, to make the best choice for your WordPress hosting, you will need to take into account your needs, particularly in terms of volume. If you plan to absorb a few hundred visitors per month or more than 100,000, the performance demands will not be the same.

The figures below are an approximation of the maximum average traffic following the offers:

  • Single: 10,000 visitors/month

  • Starter: 25,000 visitors/month

  • Business: 100,000 visitors/month

  • Pro: 200,000 visitors/month

Can I use the promo code for renewal?

No, the use of this promo code is reserved for new customers, in this sense, you will not be able to benefit from it in the case of a subscription renewal. If you want to make the most of your promo code, you will need to take out a subscription with a commitment of between 12 and 48 months.

Are there any free offers at Hostinger?

Yes, Hostinger offers a free offer for its web hosting. You will not find this service on the host’s official website, but rather on 000WebHost, a subsidiary of the company. It offers a 100% free offer for hosting your website. All plans offered by Hostinger have a refund period extended to 30 days. You can therefore test all of the offers offered by the host for free. Even if this is not entirely free, it allows you to take control of an offer as well as the configuration interface offered by the host.

Single Hosting

Single Hosting

  • storage

    50 GB of storage

  • money_off

    30 day refund

  • security

    SSL certificate included

  • install_desktop

    WordPress compatible


Hostinger ticks a lot of boxes, starting with the exhaustiveness of its offers as well as its attractive prices, although not always very clear at first glance. It is at the top of the best and most efficient hosts on the market. Another advantage is that it now has servers in France.

Read the full review Try Hostinger individually now!

Hostinger advantages per unit
  • An extremely rich range
  • A foolproof response time
  • NVMe servers in France
  • Attractive prices
Disadvantages of Hostinger individually
  • Low prices with a commitment

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