HotCorners – Corner Thinking

MacOS users have long been familiar with ‘hot corners’: screen corners that activate specific or frequently used functions as soon as you hold the mouse pointer over there. The HotCorners program also adds this functionality to Windows. Maybe this alternative shortcut method is right for you?





Windows 10

7 Score 70 Score: 70

  • Pros
  • Number of preset functions
  • User friendly
  • Negatives
  • Only on main screen
  • Manual removal of ‘autostart’
  • No parameters

HotCorners is a lightweight Java application that comes standard with Windows start up. Handy, because the ‘hot corners’ are available as soon as the desktop appears. If you prefer not to, then you have to remove the hotcorners program from the startup apps yourself.

Four viewing angles, four possible actions.

Feature list

When you start HotCorners for the first time, nothing happens when you hold the mouse pointer in one of the four screen corners. You must first record the desired actions yourself. You do this by right-clicking on the corresponding program icon in the Windows system tray. A program window then pops up in which you indicate the desired action for one or more screen corners from a series of preset items. You will find ShutDown, Log-off, Lock, Screen Off, Mute, Desktop and All Windows here. In the latter case you will see the active programs of the Windows Task Manager.

It is also possible to link a self-selected application to such a corner. All you have to do is point to the program file in an explorer window. HotCorners itself does not provide a parameter field (this can be solved by referring to a batch file in which you have included the program together with the parameters). Unfortunately, opening folders from such a ‘hot corner’ is not possible.


You can also set the sensitivity at each angle (from 0 to 10). By default it is set to 0 and you might want to change that to, for example, 1 or 2. After all, if you leave it set to 0, HotCorners will perform the linked action every time as long as the mouse pointer remains in that corner. If you set that to 1, HotCorners will wait one second to repeat the action. With the Reload button you can immediately implement changes. Keep in mind that the ‘hot corners’ only function on your main screen.

In addition to a series of preset actions, you can also set your own application.


HotCorners is a useful alternative to classic shortcuts, especially if you want to be able to access a few functions or applications quickly and frequently. In addition to a list of typical system functions, you can also start your own applications.


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