How can you request the number of claim-free years?

How can you request the number of claim-free years?

If you want to check the premium of your car insurance or choose a new insurance policy, you need the number of claim-free years. How can you request your claim-free years?

In another article on this website you will find how your number of claim-free years influences the premium you pay for car insurance through the bonus-malus scheme. The less damage you drive, the less premium you pay. How can you request the number of claim-free years if you want to change insurer or if you are going to buy another car?

View policy

Every year, the insurance company must let you know how many claim-free years you have. In practice, they state this on the policy that you receive annually. In short: you can dig into the file to find this year’s policy.

Insurance company login

You can probably request the number of claim-free years faster by logging in to the insurance company. More and more insurance companies also have this information available online. So you can easily and quickly find it yourself.

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Call your intermediary

If you cannot find the policy and the insurance company does not yet have an online environment with your details, you can also contact your intermediary. He has all the details of your policy and can quickly help you determine the number of claim-free years. And he may also be able to help you with your question about new insurance or other insurance for your new car.

Request from Roy Data

There is a national register of insurance data, Roy Data. Insurers use this to check people who have been disbarred from a company. If you want to take out new insurance, the insurance company will check the number of claim-free years or whether you have been expelled. This also states how many claim-free years you have accrued. The data is managed by the EPS Foundation. There you can do it online fill in the right of access form† After entering your details and uploading proof of identity (to prevent fraud), you can request the number of claim-free years.

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