I am looking for a way to determine the function prescription of an arbitrary function, the function that describes the edge of a Duvel glass. In other words: I want to determine the content of a solid of revolution (Duvel glass) by means of integrals. I don’t know how to get the function rule that describes the shape of the glass.
Asker: Thomas, 17 years old
It is not Duvel glass, but a function that can be used to describe the wall of glass by revolving around the x-axis is the following:
f(x)= −0.00393x^4+0.0843x^3−0.693x^2+2.198x+1.246
You can then find the volume of the glass by integrating from x=0 to, for example, x=8.
Answered by
Prof. Dr. Ir. Jan Baetens
Mathematical Modeling
university of Ghent