How do you calculate the sugar content in (fruit) beer, based on a chemical test?

We are working on our research competence for the sciences at school. I wanted to make a fruit beer with our group and determine the sugar content. However, we don’t know exactly how you determine the sugar content of beer (we thought there was some kind of indicator for this). Our Chemistry teacher said it was not an easy process. You can determine it by means of a chemical test (by titration?). But how exactly?

Could someone explain this to me in more detail?

Thanks in advance!

Asker: Christophe, 17 years old


Bye Christophe

You can determine the sugar content in different ways. I suspect a titration is doable for you.
You make use of the reducing properties of the sugars.
A frequently used method is that of Luff-Schoorl, you will find sufficient information about this on the net.
European legislation (see link) contains the methods of analysis for wine.
The sugar determination in beer will be very similar.
A good book about food analysis is that of “Eating, measuring and knowing”, published by the KVCV (see link).

Another way is to clarify the beer and then determine the optical rotation.
This is described in Lebensmittelanalytik by R. Matissek, F.-M. Schnepel, G. Steiner,
issued at:
Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 1992.

Hopefully you can continue like this?

Answered by

Dr Marina Vanhecke

analytical chemistry toxicology soil remediation

How do you calculate the sugar content in (fruit) beer, based on a chemical test?

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