How do you choose the right screen size for a TV?

How do you choose the right screen size for a TV?

When looking for a new television, you probably first look at the desired format. Nowadays, even large models of 55 or 65 inches are quite affordable, so a nice television is within reach for many people. But the right screen size depends on several factors. What should you pay attention to?

Since the advent of 4K, the need for large TV inch sizes has only increased, because Ultra HD images come into their own on a large screen. Keep in mind the available space and determine the maximum width of the tube in advance. This way you prevent that you unexpectedly purchase a television that is too large.

Manufacturers use the unit of inch to express the size of televisions. For example, if a television brand mentions a 49-inch format with its product, this refers to the distance from the screen diagonal. So this is the total length between the bottom left and top right corners of the screen.

Would you rather not calculate the distance in inches? No problem, because you can easily convert inches to centimeters. Multiply the number of inches by 2.54 and you get the image diagonal in centimeters. In the case of a 49-inch screen, the sum is therefore 49 × 2.54, which results in an image diagonal of about 124 centimeters. The most television brands also mention the screen diagonal in centimeters in their specifications.

Ideal viewing distance

The best television format to choose is closely related to the viewing distance in the room. In a modest bedroom you can probably manage with a smaller model than in a spacious living room. Furthermore, it also depends on the main activity. If you mainly use a television for gaming, you will usually be closer to the screen than if you are enjoying an exciting movie from a distance.

It is important to know that it is almost impossible for an average living room to buy a television that is too large. A good viewing distance has everything to do with the resolution used.

Because the standard resolution of most new televisions has increased to no less than 3840 × 2160 pixels (4K) in recent years, you have to sit quite close to the screen to see the difference with a Full HD television (1920 × 1080 pixels).

To see all the details of a 4K TV losslessly, use the following rule of thumb to calculate the ideal viewing distance. Multiply the screen diagonal in centimeters by 0.8 and you know how far you can sit from the television. A 55-inch television has a screen diagonal of about 140 centimeters, so you end up with an ideal viewing distance of only 112 centimeters.

Observable details

In practice, of course, nobody sits one meter in front of the television. After all, an ideal viewing distance tailored to the maximum number of perceptible details is different from a comfortable viewing distance. A side note is therefore in order, because at a longer distance you can of course also enjoy 4K images.

However, the number of perceptible details gradually decreases when you sit further away from the screen. This short ideal viewing distance also explains why it is best to opt for a large picture tube in the case of a 4K television. With a small size you are soon too far away, so that the added value compared to a Full HD television disappears.

A model of 65 or even 75 inches is nowadays not at all strange for a living room with normal dimensions. With a 75-inch model, the ideal viewing distance is still only 152 centimeters, although a distance of a few meters is of course more realistic in practice.

If you have the choice, always go big. You get used to it quickly and you won’t regret it! If you’re relatively far away and don’t want a large television, then a Full HD television is a price-friendly alternative.

Buy a small TV?

By the way, bigger isn’t always better. An oversized picture tube is even undesirable as a second television in the bedroom, because the bright light keeps you awake. Watching a talk show just before going to bed is therefore not really conducive to a good night’s sleep. A model of roughly 32 or 43 inches is sufficient for most bedrooms. An additional advantage is that small televisions are also very affordable.


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