The SafeDate app automatically sends your best friends or family a message when a date goes wrong. This is how it works.
Date more safely with SafeDate
Dating is fun, but it can also be unsafe. Especially women are often in an unsafe position when they first meet a man. It is therefore always smart to let someone know where and with who you are before a date, and that you send a message when the date is over. Thanks to the SafeDate app, this is no longer necessary; the application only sends a message if something is wrong.
The idea is that you enter details of an upcoming date in the app. Think of a start time, end time and location. You also fill in who you are going on a date with. You can do this via your contacts, but also by adding a name, phone number, e-mail address, username in the dating app or photo.

Then you add ‘Safe Mates’. Safe Mates are friends or family you trust who will take action when something is wrong with you. These people only get a message if something actually went wrong with the date. You set a ‘Safe Time’ yourself. If you do not indicate in the application that the date has expired safely before then, your Safe Mates will receive a message with all the details about the date.
If you check in on time within the app, no one will receive a message. You should of course not forget to check in on time, but the app will send you a notification if the time is about to run out.
Killing Kittens
The app was created by Killing Kittens Limited. This company is known for, among other things, sex parties where the woman is central. The app is primarily intended as a means for women to feel more secure when dating.
Still, of course, the app can be used by anyone who somehow feels unsafe while dating, but doesn’t feel the need to share details of these dates with others. The app can be downloaded for free in the App Store via the button below.