How to reset your Windows 11 password?

How to reset your Windows password?  © Shutterstock

How to reset your Windows password? © Shutterstock

Need to change your Windows 11 session password? Resetting your Windows password can be useful if you forget it, but you may simply want to change it. This access code helps protect access to your personal data (access to emails, password, bank card codes, etc.).

In this article, we will see how to reset Windows 11 password according to your situation.

Reset Windows 11 password of a local account if forgotten

Unless you have previously created a password reset disk using Control Panel, the only way to change a forgotten password for a local account is to use another administrator session.

1. Log in with an administrator account

Start by logging into a session with an administrator account. This can be a local account or a Microsoft account.

2. Open Control Panel

Open the “Control Panel”. Be free to use Windows “Search”.

Control Panel Search © Clubic

Control Panel Search © Clubic

3. Go to Edit Local Account

Click “Change Account Type,” under “User Accounts.”

Change account type in Control Panel © Clubic

Change account type in Control Panel © Clubic

Select the local account whose password was lost.

Windows user account selection © Clubic

Windows user account selection © Clubic

4. Change the password

Click on “Change Password”.

Change Windows password to reset it © Clubic

Change Windows password to reset it © Clubic

Complete the form with the new password, identically, in the “New password” and “Confirm password” fields. Also choose an indication to help you find it.

change windows password control panel © © Clubic

Validate with “Change password”.

Reset Windows password © Clubic

Reset Windows password © Clubic

You can now log in to this local account with this new password.

Change the Windows 11 password of a local account

If you want to change your Windows session password, without having forgotten it, go to Settings.

1. Log in to your session

Log in to your local account, the one whose Windows password you want to change.

2. Open your account Settings

Open “Settings”. To do this, use the “Start” menu, “Search” or the keyboard shortcut win❖ + I.

Click the Accounts menu.

Windows Account Settings

Windows Account Settings

3. Open Connection Options

Click “Connection Options”.

Access Connection Options © Clubic

Access Connection Options © Clubic

4. Go to Change Password

Click “Password”. For a Microsoft account, this will be Windows Hello related options like PIN.

Access Password Login Options © Clubic

Access Password Login Options © Clubic

The line “Configuration is complete” appears. Click “Edit”.

Start Windows password reset © Clubic

Start Windows password reset © Clubic

5. Enter your current password

Enter the current password for your session, to confirm the legitimacy to change it, and click Next.

1st step to reset Windows password © Clubic

1st step to reset Windows password © Clubic

6. Change the password by filling out the form

Complete the new form. Enter the new password in the first two fields (identically) namely “New password” and “Confirm password”.

Note: if you leave these fields empty, you will no longer need a password to access your session. However, for security reasons, this is not recommended.

Fill in the “Password indication” field.

2nd step to reset Windows password © Clubic

2nd step to reset Windows password © Clubic

Confirm with “Next”.

Continue steps to reset Windows password © Clubic

Continue steps to reset Windows password © Clubic

7. Click Finish

Confirm the password change one last time by clicking “Finish”.

Last step to reset Windows password © Clubic

Last step to reset Windows password © Clubic

This new password will be effective from your next connection. You can also modify it with the menu that appears when you use the key combination ctrl^ + alt⌥ + delet⌦ once your session is open.

Reset Windows 11 password of a Microsoft account if forgotten

Have you forgotten the confidential code, the PIN code to connect to your Windows session? With a Microsoft account, resetting this code is considered simpler than for a local account.

1. Click on “I forgot my confidential code”

If you have configured multiple login options, click “Login Options” to try other methods.

Otherwise, click on “I forgot my confidential code”.

Start the steps to reset Windows PIN, password © Clubic

Start the steps to reset Windows PIN, password © Clubic

2. Log in to your Microsoft

Enter the password linked to your Microsoft account and validate with “Connect”.

Log in to your Microsoft account to reset the PIN © Clubic

Log in to your Microsoft account to reset the PIN © Clubic

Note: if you have also forgotten this password, click on “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions. You will need another device to connect to the email address associated with your Microsoft account which will receive the code that will allow the Microsoft account password to be reset.

Follow the additional step related to two-factor authentication depending on your configuration, if you have enabled it.

Double authentication of the Microsoft account © Clubic

Double authentication of the Microsoft account © Clubic

3. Set a new PIN

Confirm your desire to reset Windows PIN by clicking Continue.

Continue steps to reset Windows PIN © Clubic

Continue steps to reset Windows PIN © Clubic

For more personalization and security, you have the choice of checking “Include letters and symbols”. Enter your new confidential code twice, identically, in the fields bearing this name.

Enter the new confidential code © Clubic

Enter the new confidential code © Clubic

Confirm with “OK”.

Validate the change of the confidential code © Clubic

Validate the change of the confidential code © Clubic

All you have to do is log in with the newly defined PIN.

We have just seen how to reset Windows 11 password depending on whether you are using a local account or a Microsoft account. There is very little risk of losing a session with a Microsoft account. On the other hand, with a local account, if there is no administrator type account or you have not previously created a password reset disk, you can lose your session and its data. However, this is not a reason not to put a password on a local account, especially if you store sensitive data there (like passwords) or certain applications remain connected to your account (like your emails). emails).

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