Hyper Light Drifter review: stylish game offers a big challenge

Hyper Light Drifter immediately catches the eye with its beautiful style. Take a few steps in this game, and you’ll quickly notice that there’s more to this world than pretty pictures. Read our Hyper Light Drifter review now.

Hyper Light Drifter review

When you think of stylish games for iOS, you probably think of the beautiful Sword & Sworcery. Since then, of course, countless other great smartphone games have been released, but with the new Hyper Light Drifter we only have one where every frame can be framed.

In the game you control a Drifter: someone who searches for ancient knowledge in a foreign land. This warrior is very sick and regularly leaves a pool of blood. Your job is to find a cure.

That’s not easy. If the disease won’t kill you, it will be the countless enemies and dangerous dungeons. Everything in this world is doing its best to make your life miserable. If you don’t pay attention, you will be crushed against a wall by a gigantic stone, or a monstrous bird will rage down from the sky.

Special Edition

Fortunately, you have several tools to deal with that. You immediately start the game with a sword, but soon you also get a pistol. Later you will find new weapons and upgrades for your character. In addition, the dash important, with which you quickly jump to the side.

Hyper Light Drifter has previously been released for various game consoles. The Special Edition is now available on iOS, based on the new Nintendo Switch version. That means the game has been polished up and runs smoother than the original console version, but there are also extra weapons and enemies.

Virtual Buttons

The biggest drawback of the new iOS version is the controls. The game is difficult and you have to react fast to the enemies in the battles.

The buttons for dashing, hitting and shooting are placed right next to each other on the screen. That’s why it’s easy to miss in the heat of battle. Fortunately, the game works fine with MFi controllers. So that’s a good option if you don’t like the virtual buttons.

hyper light drifter review

Do you play without a controller and on the relatively small screen of an iPhone? Then we recommend to choose the easier difficulty. Battles can be very chaotic, requiring you to react very precisely to get out alive. That means dodging and attacking at the right time, while each enemy type has a completely different attack pattern.

More than worth it

If you’re up for a hefty, challenging adventure, Hyper Light Drifter is the place to be. Not only do you get a tough challenge, but also a game that is a joy to watch and listen to. Do you like it? Then you have ten hours of fun ahead of you.

Download Hyper Light Drifter

Hyper Light Drifter can be downloaded from the App Store via the button below and costs 5.49 euros.

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