I switched from the Sony WH-1000XM3 to the AirPods Pro 2

Switching from the Sony over-ear WH-1000XM3 to the AirPods Pro 2 was quite a transition. Here’s why I did it and don’t regret it!

From the Sony WH-1000XM3 to the AirPods Pro 2

The Sony WH-1000XM3 has been my trusted headphone for years. I love the great sound quality, the user-friendliness and the absolutely excellent noise cancellation (active noise cancelling). The only downside of this headphone, and probably of any over-ear headphone, is that it is way too hot in the summer. A short walk and your ears are soaking wet …

Up until now I had only tried dirt cheap earphones from Huawei and the Sony WF-C700N. Although I was quite pleased with the latter, I did not wear them very often in practice. This was not so much because of the sound quality, but much more because of the ease of wearing. At first there seemed to be nothing wrong with that, but after a while I found them uncomfortable. I actually thought that I had that with all earphones and that is why I preferred to use over-ear headphones.

I switched from the Sony WH-1000XM3 to the AirPods Pro 2

Apple AirPods Pro 2

Now I have several colleagues who swear by the Apple AirPods Pro 2, both in terms of wearing comfort, sound quality and user-friendliness. According to them, they can’t even do without them anymore. It was the deciding factor for me that if I were to try earbuds again, it would not be Sony earbuds but the AirPods Pro 2.

And so it happened during the last Amazon Prime days. At Apple you currently pay 279 euros for the AirPods Pro 2, at Amazon they were temporarily 222 euros. So then I made a decision.

sony airpods pro 2

Many advantages…

And I have to say that the AirPods Pro 2 are everything I hoped for. The sound quality is top notch and unlike other earbuds, they are quite comfortable. Even when I wear them for a long time, I hardly notice them. I am also very happy with the Active Noise Cancelling. But the biggest plus is the ease of use. Once set up, everything always works immediately. You literally don’t have to do anything other than put them in your ears.

The AirPods Pro 2 are also more convenient than the Sony if you have multiple Apple devices. They automatically connect to the device that plays sound. This way you can seamlessly switch from your iPhone to your iPad or to your Mac. That works really well!

airpods pro 2

…only a few drawbacks

At first I was afraid that I would lose the small AirPods Pro 2, but you get used to it quickly when you notice that this absolutely does not happen. Furthermore, adjusting the volume via the stem is in principle an advantage, but I rarely succeed in doing so directly. In my case, this is something that requires more practice. I assume that I will become more adept at it in the future.

The Active Noise Cancellation of the AirPods Pro 2 is certainly not bad, but that of my Sony WH-1000XM3 is much better. That is of course logical. Comparing earbuds with an over-ear is not entirely fair in that respect and the Sony is really very good at it.

The AirPods Pro 2 do not completely replace my Sony SH-1000XM3. Especially when the weather gets colder, an over-ear is not a bad idea at all. The AirPods, on the other hand, are ideal in warm weather and when I am active. In fact, they complement each other very well throughout the year! And if my Sony ever gives up, I will probably replace it with the Apple AirPods Max, especially because of the great ease of use of AirPods.

Want to buy AirPods Pro 2?

Curious about the Apple AirPods Pro 2? Then definitely check out the deal below!

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