Insure your iPhone against theft, fall and impact damage: you need to know this

It will happen to you: just bought a brand new iPhone, and then you accidentally let it slip out of your hands. Thanks to iPhone insurance, you do not have to pay for the costs yourself in these cases. iPhoned shows you which options you have.

Insuring iPhone: everything you need to know

A simple search on Google shows that nowadays countless parties give you the option to insure your iPhone against damage or theft. When purchasing your device you can immediately take out insurance with Apple, but you can also contact, for example, the ANWB, your provider or insurers that specifically focus on smartphones.

But do you actually need iPhone insurance? To answer that question, you first have to check what you are entitled to as a consumer by default. You are also sometimes already insured against damage or theft, because you have a more expensive home contents or travel insurance with good conditions. When in doubt, it is good to get your policy.

This is how it is with warranty

When purchasing a new iPhone (or iPad or other Apple product) you can claim a two-year manufacturer’s warranty. Apple itself adheres to a period of one year, but that is contrary to European regulations. Please indicate this when you contact Apple: you will be granted the warranty. You can read more about the how and why in our iPhone warranty file.

Insure your iPhone against theft, fall and impact damage: you need to know this

You can find out exactly what is covered by the warranty this page from Apple. Quite an exhaustive list, but the bottom line is that Apple should be able to determine if your iPhone malfunction was through no fault of your own.

This is the case, for example, with manufacturing errors, but this does not apply to cracks in the screen as a result of a fall. Fall, impact, water and fire damage are not covered as standard, and the same applies to wear and tear to the battery or housing. Fortunately, you can insure your iPhone and thus avoid high repair costs, although there are some snags. Below we show you what to pay attention to.

Also read: iPhone stolen or lost? You have to do this and that is how you prevent it

Insure your iPhone through Apple

AppleCare + is an additional warranty provided by Apple itself. The package consists of three parts:

  1. You get two years telephonic support instead of the usual 90 days if you buy an iPhone. You can go here for questions about everything related to your Apple product: from controlling settings in FaceTime, clock faces on your Apple Watch to warranty issues;
  2. An extra year Guarantee. This is not so interesting for us Dutch, because thanks to the legislation we are already entitled to a warranty period of two years (see above);
  3. Coverage at a maximum of two claims. Have you had an accident with your iPhone? Then Apple pays the repair costs. Please note: your deductible is 29 euros for screen damage, and 99 euros for other damage. Your battery is also covered if it has less than 80 percent capacity.applecare iphone insurance

How much you pay for this additional iPhone insurance depends on the device. AppleCare + is available from 65 euros for the Apple Watch, 79 euros for the iPad and 149 euros for the iPhone. Do you have the latest version of an Apple device? Then you have to pay more.

AppleCare + is quite a complete package and covers damage from drops, bumps or moisture. You also get support for software problems with iOS, iCloud and Apple apps. Theft is not covered. Finally, it’s important to note that AppleCare + is valid for two years and then expires. Even if you have reported two claims, you can no longer claim cover.

Also interesting: This is how it is with iPhone warranty, repairs and AppleCare +

Insure your iPhone through your provider

The above is especially interesting for those who buy a separate iPhone from Apple. In combination with a subscription you will have to deal with the conditions of your provider. When taking out, you can also immediately opt for additional insurance, for which you pay a monthly premium. The higher the premium, the less burden of proof there is on you as a user. So if you go for cheap insurance, you probably have to indicate exactly under what circumstances your defect arose. This is not the case with a more expensive variant.

Many insurance policies have a deductible

With many providers, such as Vodafone and T-Mobile, you can take out insurance for your smartphone. This is useful, for example, if you have had damage to your iPhone in the past. You pay a fixed amount per month for such insurance (between 5 and 15 euros), depending on the value of the device.

Conditions also play a role: T-Mobile’s basic insurance covers, for example, fall, impact and water damage, but theft coverage is only available in the more expensive ‘Extended’ variant. At Vodafone, loss and theft (pickpocketing) is only covered by the more expensive ‘Garant Top’ insurance. The deductible for these incidents is 45 euros.

Before you take out iPhone insurance through your provider, it is good to read through the conditions. This way you will not run into unwanted surprises if you want to claim them once. If you take out a telephone subscription in a store, you will often be advised to take out insurance immediately, but do not let yourself be pressured by a pushy seller.

The Consumers’ Association states that most providers have enough time to decide on this afterwards. “Buyers should first calmly compare the costs and conditions of the smartphone and other insurance policies”, said the union. Two parties that specialize in smartphone insurance are:


Gear insurance

In addition to Apple and providers, there are also parties that only focus on smartphone insurance. In addition, you can often contact the insurer where you already have health or car insurance for such insurance. Tip: it is often possible to get a discount if you take out multiple insurance policies with one provider.

IPhone insurance can be expensive and is not always necessary

As with all insurance policies, you must check the fine print carefully for each insurer. Sometimes, for example, there is a (high) deductible, so that you still have to pay for a repair. The lower the premium, the higher the deductible and the stricter the conditions.

With an expensive insurance policy, you sometimes do not even have to demonstrate exactly how the damage was caused. However, you also pay a lot for that: an iPhone insurance can easily cost you 150 to 200 euros per year. Especially with the ‘more flexible’ insurers you will pay for people who abuse the insurance. Keep that in mind while orienting. In addition, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I pay monthly for the insurance and how long does it continue?
  • Can I cancel monthly or annually?
  • How high are the one-off costs, such as administration costs and insurance tax?
  • What exactly is covered and what is not?
  • Is there a deductible for claims? And if so, how high is that?
  • Will I receive the new value or current value in the event of loss or theft?
  • Do I have to provide proof of loss or theft?
  • Will the insurer arrange repairs or will I be paid to do this myself?
  • Can I choose where I have the device made?
  • How quickly are claims handled by the insurer?
  • Can I claim a loaner device if the smartphone is being repaired?
  • Do I get an identical loan device or do I have to make do with an (older) device from a different price range?

The premium you pay per month depends on the purchase value of your iPhone, the deductible, the term and the co-insurance of theft. In addition, the condition and cover differ per insurance company. So it is good to compare insurers to find the best deal. Calculate your premium and compare.

Calculate SmartPhonePolis premium Calculate SimpleSurance premium

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Contents and travel insurance

If you live on your own, there is a good chance that you have contents insurance. This insures all items in your home against fire, water damage and theft. If you want your home insurance to also cover damage to your iPhone, then you must choose the most extensive (all-risk) coverage when taking out. An all-risk home insurance also covers damage caused by your own fault. You pay a few euros more per month for the extra cover, but compared to a separate smartphone insurance you are much cheaper.

If you have travel insurance, you may also be insured as standard for, for example, theft, loss, fall and impact damage. Check your policy before taking out additional (smartphone) insurance to avoid double insurance. This saves you tens of euros on an annual basis.

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