iOS 10 Photos facial recognition: that’s how it works and you can do this with it

From iOS 10, the Photos app has been given some nice new functions. For example, the app can now recognize the faces of the people you photograph, so that they can easily be placed in folders. Here you can read everything about how iOS Photos facial recognition works.

iOS Photos facial recognition, that’s how it works

If you open the Photos app after installing iOS 10, you will see that a few things have changed. For example, a new tab with ‘Memories’ has been added, where you can make videos of fun moments. In the Album tab, the facial recognition is hidden in the folder with People.

Here, the Photos app will independently recognize faces that you have photographed over the years. The people that you have the most photos of will automatically be listed here. By making them a favorite they get a name and a permanent place in the Photos app. That’s how you do that.

Favorite People in iOS 10 Photos

  1. Open Photos and go to Albums
  2. Choose People
  3. Tap an avatar of someone who doesn’t have a name yet
  4. Enter a name for the person
  5. Scroll down and choose ‘Favorite this person’

However, the technology the app uses could use some help. That is why you can request additional photos from each person that the app has doubts about. By manually adding these, Photos learns to recognize faces better, so the app only gets better. You do this by tapping on a person’s page for the option ‘Attach extra photos’.

However, it will happen that some people still appear in multiple folders. This happens, for example, if you are wearing sunglasses. Fortunately, it is very easy to combine different photos of the same person. You do that like this:

iOS Photos facial recognition

Combine photo brochures of the same people in Photos

  1. Go to People in the Photos app
  2. Tap the folder you want to combine with another
  3. The bar at the top of the screen says ‘New name’
  4. Enter the name of the person you want to combine the folder with
  5. Choose the ‘combine’ button to bundle the photos

You can also add people as favorites, so that they appear prominently in the overview. This is recommended if you plan to use this feature regularly. We recommend it, because you can have a nice video of the people put together very quickly. Nice to go through all the memories of someone. All these Photos features are available to anyone who has iOS 10 installed on their iDevice.

Read the latest news about iOS 10

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