iPhone 14 Pro (Max) production and stock are slowly returning to normal

The iPhone 14 Pro (Max) production is almost back to normal. But when is the stock replenished and how will Apple prevent this in the future?

Long delivery times iPhone 14 Pro

Foxconn, the world’s largest iPhone manufacturer based in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, has been in the news a lot in recent months. The company had been suffering for some time from the extremely strict corona measures in China and the factory even had to be completely locked.

This lockdown led to poor living conditions for employees at the Foxconn factory. This, in combination with the non-payment of a promised bonus, caused riots among the employees of the Apple manufacturer. This caused the delivery times for the devices to increase considerably.

iPhone 14 pro production

Apple resumes production in Zhengzhou

The latest reports tell us that production in November was about a third lower than planned. This sharply reduced production led to a shortage of more than 6 million iPhone 14 Pro (Max) devices. Foxconn previously indicated that they plan to clear this backlog by early 2023.

The manufacturer seems to live up to this statement, as iPhone 14 Pro production has almost returned to normal levels. According to the latest rumors, the iPhone 14 Pro (Max) production is back at 70 percent of the normal level. With the restoration of peace in the iPhone factory, the biggest production problems have been resolved.

What does this mean for the delivery times of the iPhone 14 Pro?

This is of course good news for the delivery times of the iPhone 14 Pro, which are slowly but surely decreasing. Where the delivery time before Christmas was still more than three weeks, you now have a new iPhone 14 Pro in about two weeks.

The delivery time is expected to be even shorter at the end of this month. Demand for the iPhone 14 Pro has decreased after the holidays and production has actually increased. This allows Apple to clear the backlogs more quickly. That way you won’t have to wait weeks for your new iPhone.

iphone 14 pro

Apple is going to spread production across factories

Apple has already indicated that it will spread production over several factories in different countries, in order to be less vulnerable to local corona measures, for example. The same applies to the production of chips: this will also be done in several countries from now on. Spreading production reduces the chance that such long delivery times will arise again in the future.

Buy iPhone 14 Pro? Check the best prices

Do you want to buy the iPhone 14 Pro (Max)? Then check the best prices in our price comparison:

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