WhatsApp fraud is still a problem, so this week’s iPhone tips explain how to prevent it!
iPhone tips: how to prevent WhatsApp fraud
WhatsApp fraud is still happening, which means that it is apparently profitable for criminals. And that also means that there are always new victims. With 13.3 million WhatsApp users in the Netherlands, that is not surprising. Sooner or later, the fraudsters will encounter someone who falls for it. In this week’s iPhone tips, you can read how to prevent WhatsApp fraud.
1. Friend in need fraud
We start these iPhone tips with the most well-known form of WhatsApp fraud, which is known as Friend-in-need fraud. You receive a WhatsApp message from an unknown number, but it seems to come from a friend or family member. Often, criminals have taken a profile picture from social media.
The ‘acquaintance’ tells you that he has a new phone number. He also asks for help almost immediately. He urgently needs to pay a bill and because of the new phone he can’t do that himself right away. If you accept, you will soon receive an account number or a Tikkie to pay an amount.

If you experience something like this, always call the number of the person that you have in your contact list. Preferably choose video calling, so that you can also see the other person. Criminals are increasingly trying to imitate voices using AI, so always ask a control question (a question that a criminal cannot know the answer to). If you are convinced that it is a criminal, play along until you receive an account number. Take a screenshot of it and report it.
Unfortunately, you can’t prevent receiving WhatsApp messages from strangers. The only thing you can do is make sure that not everyone can find your phone number. But someone can also dial a random number that turns out to be your number. Once you have received a message, you can block the user. Here’s how:
- Open WhatsApp and go to the relevant chat;
- Tap on the profile picture and scroll down;
- Tap ‘Block’ [gebruikersnaam]’.

2. WhatsApp hijacking
Number two of these iPhone tips is about WhatsApp hijacking. With this type of fraud, a criminal hacks your WhatsApp account in order to extort money from someone in your contact list in an even more credible way. WhatsApp has a function that allows you to transfer your WhatsApp data to a new phone number, and criminals use this function to gain access to your account.
It works like this: a criminal has your phone number. He installs WhatsApp and indicates that he wants to transfer WhatsApp data using a verification code. He then does not provide his own number, but yours. And out of nowhere you get a verification code on your phone. At the same time, you get a message from the criminal.
He says he accidentally sent you a verification code and asks you to forward that code. If you do, the criminal will have access to all your WhatsApp data, including your profile picture, chats and group chats. Your contacts will only see an automatic notification in the chat that your phone number has changed.

The criminal can now ask all your contacts for money, or use their numbers to request verification codes again. Once the first victim is in, scamming the contacts becomes a lot easier. He approaches them with the name, profile picture and even the number of someone they really know. This of course makes the fraud much more credible.
To prevent this, it is important that you never forward a verification code to anyone. And certainly not when a stranger asks you for it. Verification codes can almost always be requested again, so it is nonsense that you should forward such a code anyway.
3. Voicemail hijacking
Number three of these iPhone tips is about a variation on WhatsApp hijacking, called voicemail hijacking. The verification codes from the previous tip are initially sent by WhatsApp via text message. In this case, the criminal indicates that he has not received the code and would rather be called. When that happens, the criminal calls at exactly the same time. As a result, the verification code ends up in the voicemail.
You can call your number from another number and request the voicemail. For that you need the pin code of your voicemail. The only thing is that many people do not set that pin code or leave it on ‘0000’. That makes it very easy for everyone who has your phone number to listen to your voicemail. In this way, the criminal can retrieve the verification code without you having to do anything.

You can prevent this method of WhatsApp fraud by turning off your voicemail, or at least setting a PIN code. Here’s how:
- Open the Settings app;
- Tap on ‘Phone’ and scroll down;
- Tap ‘Change voicemail code’ and enter a PIN code.
General tips to prevent WhatsApp fraud
- Do not share personal information;
- Ignore messages asking for money;
- Never just click on links and attachments;
- Enable two-step verification;
- Do not forward codes;
- Contact us in another way;
- Report fraud to WhatsApp.
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