iPhone tips: how to ensure that Facebook knows less about you

If you use Facebook, you’ve probably noticed that the app knows (too) much about you. Luckily, you can do something about it and in these iPhone tips we’ll show you how!

iPhone tips: how to make sure Facebook knows less about you

It’s quite sometimes creepy if you went looking for a new vacuum cleaner in the morning, and Facebook suddenly comes up with an advertisement where you can buy the cheapest Dyson or Miele.

Facebook sometimes knows too much about you and you don’t really want that. Fortunately, you can do something about it. In this week’s iPhone tips, we’ll tell you more about this.

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The tips below describe the steps you need to take in the Facebook app on your iPhone. The settings can also be found on the regular website, but you may have to take an extra step here and there.

1. Topics advertisers use to reach you

Advertisers use your information to show you specific ads. You can see which ad topics advertisers use to reach you. It is not possible to turn it off completely. But you can reduce certain ads. The setting is quite tucked away, but you can still access it by following the steps below.

iPhone tips: how to ensure that Facebook knows less about you

View and customize topics advertisers use on Facebook in the Facebook app

  1. Tap the menu button at the bottom right of the Facebook app and select ‘Settings’;

  2. Select ‘Meta Account Center’;

  3. Scroll down a bit and tap on ‘Ad preferences’;

  4. Tap ‘Ad Topics’ and ‘View and Manage Topics’;

  5. Tap the topic you want to adjust the setting for and select ‘Show less’.

2. Only see posts from your friends

When you open the Facebook app, the homepage is filled with ads and other messages that the site thinks you should see. Messages from friends and other people you follow are sometimes hidden among all the ads.

There is a way to view the posts of the people you follow. That makes this tip one of the best tips for Facebook on your iPhone that we can give.

An added benefit is that this also reduces the risk of accidentally tapping on an advertisement. And thus giving Facebook more fodder to send you personalized advertisements.

facebook overview friends only
  • Tap the menu at the bottom right;
  • At the top of the screen there are several buttons, tap on ‘Summaries’;
  • Select ‘Messages’ and tap ‘Friends’ below;
  • Now you will almost only see posts from the people you follow.

Of course, Facebook still inserts some advertising here and there between the messages, but it is much clearer than the regular overview.

3. Disable tracking for Facebook

Since iOS 14, your iPhone has an option that apps can no longer track you. Apps must first ask permission if they can know what you do with other apps and websites.

You often only see this setting when you install the app. Fortunately, you can also change this setting afterwards. We will tell you how to do that in these last iPhone tips.

tracking facebook
  • Open the ‘Settings’ of your iPhone;
  • Scroll down and select ‘Privacy and security’;
  • Select ‘Tracking’ and turn off the slider next to Facebook.

iPhone Tips for Facebook: Finally

Even after following these iPhone tips, you can’t avoid Facebook collecting and using your data. After all, that is and remains their business model. There are many ways in which Facebook scrapes your data.

Do you want Facebook (and Meta) to know almost nothing about you? Then you have to pay. A subscription to FaceBook (and Instagram) costs you 12.99 euros per month to use it without ads.

Another choice is to not use Facebook at all. And of course not their other apps, like WhatsApp and Instagram. But then the internet becomes a lot less fun …

More useful tips

  • iPhone tips: how to ensure that Facebook knows less about you

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