WhatsApp is going to make it easier to quietly leave groups. Read more about this new feature in this article.
New feature in WhatsApp: Silently leave groups
Everyone has friends like that. They add you to a large WhatsApp group for, for example, walking dates or ‘nice’ sports. Before you know it, your iPhone will be completely filled with messages from another unsolicited group. WhatsApp is currently testing a new feature for this social inconvenience, because soon you will be able to quietly leave these groups of WhatsApp.
At the moment every participant will still receive a notification of your sudden departure. Soon that will change and only the administrators will see the proof of your Adieu†Now you no longer have to save all those group apps at the bottom of the app. If you have time, you can quietly clean up and leave all those WhatsApp groups.

WhatsApp groups: not for everyone
Other participants of the group can of course still check in the list of participants whether you are still in certain groups of WhatsApp, or whether you have already left them. They will soon no longer receive a notification when you leave. It is unknown when this feature will be available to everyone. We expect that to take a while, since WhatsApp has just rolled out a major update.

New update WhatsApp: Communities and more
Beautiful features have been added in this major update. Communities lets you create an ‘umbrella’ of group apps. This is useful for a football club, for example. With this you put all team apps under one Community and you can immediately send an important announcement to all players and their coaches. You can also recently respond to a message with emojis.
In addition to Communities, WhatsApp has also added other features. For example, group admins can delete messages from any user. In addition, you will soon also share files up to 2 GB. Previously, this was only possible with 100MB, so you could only send photos in low quality. In addition, WhatsApp has increased the capacity of voice conversations. You can now make one group call with a maximum of 32 people.
Leave WhatsApp groups: soon it will be possible without anyone seeing it
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