Link OV chip cards to www.ov-chipkaart.nl. This gives you access to your own travel history and other useful tools.
My OV chip
It is useful to link OV chip cards to the site www.ov-chipkaart.nl. Because then you can, for example, make declaration overviews of the journeys made, request a refund or automatically put a certain amount of money on the card when the balance is almost empty. This is possible with personal and anonymous cards.
Link OV chip card
Link a (new) OV chip card to MijnOV chip like this:
- Go to www.ov-chipkaart.nl
- Log in to the site.
- Click on the top right My OV chip.
- click on login.
- Enter your username and password.
- click on Login.
- click on Pair card.
- Enter the number on the OV chip card under ‘Card number’. The first four digits are already filled in.
- Under ‘End date’, type the end date of the card. This is on the card under ‘Valid until’.
- Give the card a name, for example ‘Anonymous card of Peter’ or ‘Personal card of Peter’. This allows you to recognize the map in the map overview. This is useful when adding multiple cards.
- click on Next step.
- With an anonymous card you are done. There are extra steps with a personal OV chip card. Then click under ‘Who travels with the card?’ on Myself.
- click on Step 3: Check data.
- A code will be sent to the specified email address. click on Yes > Step 4: Pairing Code.
- Open your mailbox and the e-mail.
- Copy or remember the code from the email.
- Enter the numbers behind ‘Coupling code’ on the MijnOV-chip website.
- click on Confirm.