Lost vaccination certificate: you have to do that now

Lost vaccination certificate: you have to do that now

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / viarami

You have a vaccination appointment or want to have your vaccination status checked, but have lost your vaccination certificate: Find out what you should do now!

If you want to be vaccinated, you will need your vaccination certificate. All vaccinations that you have received in the course of your life are noted in the vaccination certificate. Recommended standard vaccinations as well as travel vaccinations and immunizations are recorded in the vaccination record. In this way, your: e doctor: in can see which vaccinations you have already received and give you recommendations regarding further vaccinations as well as refreshments. Your vaccination card is internationally valid, so that doctors abroad can also see your vaccination status, for example when you are traveling or moving abroad.

If you find out shortly before a vaccination appointment that you have lost your vaccination certificate, you are not alone. Fortunately, a lost vaccination card is not a catastrophe and also not a reason for not being vaccinated. However, it is important that you find a replacement.

Lost vaccination certificate: will I still be vaccinated?

You can get vaccinated even if you have lost your vaccination certificate.
You can get vaccinated even if you have lost your vaccination certificate.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / WiR_Pixs)

Yes, you can get vaccinated even if you have lost your vaccination certificate. If you are vaccinated by your GP: in, you will receive a new vaccination certificate on site. By the way, you don’t have to pay any money for a new vaccination card.

But even if your appointment takes place in a vaccination center, for example in the case of a corona vaccination, it is usually possible without the yellow booklet. This also applies if you simply forgot your vaccination certificate at home. You will receive a certificate on site, which serves as proof of the vaccination carried out. With this replacement document you can then go to your doctor and have the vaccination entered in your new vaccination certificate.

Lost vaccination certificate: How to get a replacement document

You can make up for undocumented vaccinations.
You can make up for undocumented vaccinations.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / KitzD66)

If you have lost your vaccination certificate, you will receive a replacement document from your: r family doctor. It is usually not a problem to have the vaccinations of the last ten years added. This also applies if you have changed your family doctor during this period, for example because you have moved. Either your practice has access to the relevant data via vaccination software or you have to contact a previous doctor and ask which vaccinations you received and when. If vaccinations were made some time ago, it is often unclear whether and when they were carried out. You can now calmly consider whether you have any other proof of vaccinations that were long ago.

If there is no evidence of vaccinations, vaccinations are considered not to have been carried out. Because doctors cannot rely on your verbal promise. You can have vaccinations, the status of which is not clear, made up by your: r doctor: in. An additional vaccination is required according to the Robert Koch Institute poses no danger. If you are still unsure, speak to your: n doctor: in about it.

Keep the vaccination certificate in a safe place

Keep your vaccination certificate safe in the future.
Keep your vaccination certificate safe in the future.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / jackmac34)

As soon as you have a new vaccination card, keep it in a safe place where it cannot be lost and is readily available. For example, put it with other important documents such as your passport or your birth certificate.

tip: Scan your vaccination certificate so that the registered vaccinations are not lost if you should misplace the document.

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