Majority finds 100 km/h too low maximum speed

At the beginning of 2020, 100 km/h became the new maximum speed during the day. Only on some routes you are allowed to drive even faster in the evening and at night. A majority of the Dutch are not satisfied with this, according to a survey by Statistics Netherlands.

No less than 50 percent of Dutch people over 18 think 100 km/h is too low a speed limit. That appears from research of the Central Bureau of Statistics. 9 percent want 110 km/h as the maximum speed, 24 percent want to go back to 120 km/h, 15 percent think 130 km/h is perfect and 1 percent want it to be even faster. Another 1 percent do not want a speed limit at all. 41 percent are satisfied with 100 km/h as the maximum speed and 3 percent want 90 km/h or less as the maximum speed. 5 percent don’t know. The majority of people with an opinion therefore want a higher speed limit than 100 km/h.

It is striking that support for 100 km/h as a maximum speed is clearly higher among older people than younger people. Between the ages of 18 and 45, only a third of respondents think it is a good speed limit, for 45 to 55 year olds it is 37.3 percent, for 55 to 65 year olds 45.3 percent, for 65 to 75 51.9 percent among the over-75s and 57.9 percent among the over-75s. Support is also highest among the highly educated and among people in urban areas. Furthermore, 100 km/h as the maximum speed is mainly supported by people who do not drive every day. Of the people who use the car every day, only 29.7 percent support 100 km/h as the maximum speed.

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