Measures for a healthier lifestyle

Measures for a healthier lifestyle

With simple measures it is possible to make your own life healthier and happier. ©, Antonia Diaz

Integrate more movement into everyday life

The first step towards a healthier lifestyle is to incorporate more exercise into your daily routine. We spend far too much time sitting, which has a negative effect on our organism. As hunters and gatherers, humans are naturally designed to move, which is why they should walk at least 8,000 steps every day. It is often enough to make small changes to get things moving.

Walks are a great way to get regular exercise. Regardless of whether the lunch break is used for this or an evening walk is taken, the organism is always happy about the additional activity. It is also advisable not to use the elevator more often, but to climb the stairs. If you can do your shopping on foot or by bike, that also makes sense. If you have the time, you can also join a sports club. This is not only useful for sport, but also promotes social contacts.

reduce weight

Being overweight is a massive burden for the body and in the long run promotes diseases of civilization such as diabetes or gout. In addition, the knees and joints are much more stressed if you weigh too much. An important task is therefore to reduce fat and achieve the desired weight. It is advisable to use the BMI (Body Mass Index) as a guide.

An important point to start with when losing weight is nutrition. It is advisable to eat light food and avoid excess fat, sugar and salt. It is also advisable not to fight every feeling of hunger directly with a snack. Snacks can be fruit or vegetables, but whole meals or sweets should be avoided. It is the same Lose weight with the help of pills possible. Last but not least, exercise helps burn fat and build muscle.

Quit smoking icon image
Quitting smoking significantly reduces your risk of dangerous diseases such as lung cancer. ©, Nastco

Refrain from smoking

Smoking is a pleasure for many people, but poses a major health risk. On the one hand, cigarettes contain many carcinogenic substances and, on the other hand, the arteries and veins are heavily loaded. Anyone who gives up smoking reduces their risk of threatening diseases considerably and generally feels better.

Because smoking often leads to addiction, it takes a lot of effort to break free. It is important not to replace smoking with alternative occupations, which are also unhealthy. Anyone who eats something every time instead of smoking will gain weight within a very short time, which is also a burden on the body. In principle, it is possible to stop smoking on your own, but guided courses and active support are helpful in most cases.

Find a steady sleep rhythm

Regular and restful sleep is extremely important for a healthy lifestyle. It is advantageous for the organism if it can rely on a continuous sleep rhythm. It is important to go to bed at the same time whenever possible and to improve the quality of sleep. At least 20%-30% of your night’s sleep should be deep sleep. There are numerous fitness trackers that are able to measure and assess sleep quality. With the data collected in this way, it is easy to identify and respond to a need for improvement.

It is advisable not to watch television or look at your smartphone immediately before going to sleep. Sport should also be completed at least an hour before going to bed, otherwise the body will still be too hot. Eating immediately before going to bed is also unhealthy, and alcohol also disrupts sleep. If you are unable to improve your sleep quality on your own, you should consider visiting a sleep laboratory.

Balancing the work-life balance

Stress is one of the most common causes of cardiovascular disease and other life-threatening diseases. There are basically good forms of stress that motivate and drive people to perform at their best. As a rule, however, everyday life is filled with negative stress that endangers health. It is important to take efficient action against this and to allow yourself enough islands of tranquility.

However, it is not only the duration of the free time that is important; it must also be designed in a meaningful and relaxing way. Those who do sports in their free time, do voluntary work or take care of relatives in need of care usually have a higher quality of life, but only relieve themselves to a limited extent of stress. In addition, other factors that can have a negative impact on health must be taken into account. These are, for example, non-ergonomic office furniture or a screen that is set too dark. The better the work-life balance works and the more attention is paid to the aspect of health protection during work, the better.

take preventive medical check-ups

A visit to the doctor is not one of the things you enjoy doing in your free time. As you get older, however, it is important to have regular check-ups. In this way it is possible to prevent the development of diseases or to detect and treat existing diseases at an early stage. Depending on the age, the intervals between the various check-ups should become shorter and shorter.


Maintaining and promoting your own health requires some commitment and time, but it is definitely worth it. It is important not to want to implement all the measures mentioned here at once. Otherwise, you will quickly become overwhelmed and lose motivation. It is advisable to set small, concrete goals and only tackle new tasks once these goals have been achieved. The more individual your own plan for improving your own health is, the better.


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