Timeless touring

Now that the summer is over, the convertibles are entering the used car market. The Mercedes SL is perhaps the convertible, and this example – apparently – a good example of how you can get one for relatively little money.
Now there are certainly enough second-hand convertibles to mention for which you have to cough up less money, but by SL standards this copy is fairly moderately priced. For just under 12,000 euros you can buy this SL of the R129 generation in Groningen, making it one of the cheapest in the current range. For that amount you get a 300 SL, so with a 3 liter in-line six with 190 hp in the nose that contributes to the classic proportions of this model: long nose, short butt.
These proportions also ensure that this generation – apart from the almost unaffordable first SLs – is perhaps the most timeless in SL history. Because the years of depreciation-by-age for this model are over and the R129 dates from the era of the allegedly indestructible Mercedes, you do not have to count on too high a depreciation. Especially not if you keep it in the condition the car appears to be in.
dull wood
The brown paint, which in our opinion fits well with the era in which this car was sold, appears to be free of any significant damage and the leather upholstery shows no tears or showy wear. The somewhat dull wood inlay in the interior could use a polishing, but it also seems that the animal has been taken care of quite well. The interior photos were taken with the engine running, making it clear that the malfunction lights on the dashboard have no reason to illuminate. Although Mercedes from this era were generally well bolted together, they are not free from defects. After all, the SL was at the top of the food chain of the Mercedes price lists at the time, which ensures that the standard equipment was quite extensive. That does mean, however, that this is not a car in the category ‘what is not on it cannot be broken’.
Especially the fully automatic convertible roof sometimes caused problems. Check during a test drive whether it works properly and whether the hydraulics are not leaking. According to the advertiser, the hood itself has in any case recently been replaced. The SL in question is also relatively bare-bones: things like cruise control or air conditioning, which fit well with a car like this, are not on it. That’s a shame, but it reduces the chance of defects or high garage bills.
Original Dutch
That can be reassuring, because in general, maintenance and repair are more expensive for larger, heavier cars. After all, parts are heavier and/or more subject to wear. Checking and keeping everything regularly is therefore the motto, for which the money that you keep in your pocket due to the low depreciation can offer a solution.
If you do see it happening, you can take a ride to the far north for it. The mileage of the offered car is, compared to many other SLs in the range, not too bad with 162,530 kilometers. The history of the original Dutch registration leaves something to be desired in terms of clarity, but we think we can discern that the car has been with an owner twice for a period of ten years. It is therefore plausible that the car has had regular maintenance for at least two longer consecutive periods. If you find this an interesting enough offer partly because of that, then we hope that the winter does not last too long.
– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl